Yavin Luke 12"

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The headsculpt is...

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Re: Yavin Luke Headsculpt

pjam said:
This poll would be better served once Collectors actually see the piece in hand, not in SSC Prod shots.

A poll of Legolas based on SSC Prod shots is all you need to know...

So true. :rock
Re: Yavin Luke Headsculpt

pjam said:
This poll would be better served once Collectors actually see the piece in hand, not in SSC Prod shots.

A poll of Legolas based on SSC Prod shots is all you need to know...

Absolutely correct!! :rock
Has there been any official announcment from Sideshow as to what percentage of the edition size is allotted to both Attendees and Non-Attendees? :confused:

Perhaps the allottment of Non-Attendees for this figure is larger than "Vaderkin" due to the possible smaller attendance than SDCC.

Could it be more like 50/50? :confused:

That would explain the longer time is has taken to sell out.
My understanding was a certain % was held back, I would say that a large % would be for sale to the attendees but once those didnt sell yesterday all bets are off who ever attendee or non-attendee gets it.
Re: Let's all make atleast one Luke Excl Thread Each!

MaulFan said:
I have to say, I'm glad people are happy to get these things, but when there's already a dedicate thread going, what's the point of staring one just to say ya I got it, honestly.

Apparently you don't make it to the Marvel forum...10X worse there.
I think it looks excellent, sculpt, outfit and all.

As for the edition size and all....I don't care. I like it...I want it...I'll get it.
Not worried about tradin' it, sellin' it, speculatin' with it....

One thing abour this convention exclusive over say, SDCC or some other specialty vendor is that...ClV is going to attract alot of folks who do not normally attend cons or frequent these specialty vendors....

Sideshows' Yavin Hero Luke is going to be alot of folks first step into the Sideshow SW universe...as we all know from experiencing these figures over the last year, pictures are fine, but nothing sells how great these are like seeing them "in person" and I'm sure the Sideshow booth is going to be really busy at ClV.

I hope Sidehow does really well there...and maybe I'll eat my words in a few months (I'll keep the Tabasco handy :) ) but I think this exclusive is going to get scooped up pretty quick. Once folks experience Sideshow's superb customer service and great attitude (compared to the "screw you- take it or leave it- we know we'll sell it no matter how we treat people" attitude of other vendors (cough GG-cough), I think we might see PPO's become a little more difficult as the year goes on...

As long as I can get mine :) that's just fine....just keep 'em coming Sideshow!

Viva Yavin Luke!
Now that this is over I can't wait for the SDCC announcement... I am ready for something amazing.
madden821 said:
Now that this is over I can't wait for the SDCC announcement... I am ready for something amazing.

In yesterday's podcast they said there will be 6 exclusives and they will be announced by the end of the month!

So most likely:

Spidey 3 bust
SW 12" Figure
Dead 12" Figure
My predictions for SDCC Exclusives:

1. SW 1/6 Figure
2. The Dead 1/6 Figure
3. Spider-Man 3 Bust
4. LOTR Diorama
5. MediCom Imported Figure
6. Marvel Archive