I am pretty excited to be getting another Luke, and I can't wait to see the headsculpt, as it will probably be indicative of what we'll be getting for Tatooine Luke. I just hope that Sideshow caps off the 30th anniversary celebrations with Farmboy Luke, and we keep getting more ANH figures for a little while first, like old Ben, Chewie, Han, the droids, Greedo, Tusken Raider, Vader, and a stormtrooper. (And of course, captain antilles!)
This isn't the most wanted outfit, so it fits as an exclusive, and like Maulfan and Jedibear have said, it is perfect that this celebratory Luke is the exclusive for the 30th anniversary celebration of the film. I'll be getting him for that sentimental reason alone, and it's cool that they put some thought into this one. He may be a duplicate figure, but he seems to have a lot of thought put into it.
I know we'll get some duplicates of the main characters, but at least we won't have to tolerate several different versions of background/sideline characters the way that Kenner crapped 'em out. One Mace/Qui-Gon/Kit Fisto/Maul etc. are enough for me, and I think sideshow will provide integral versions of popular characters, not endless variations.