Yavin Luke 12"

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The headsculpt is...

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I also thought he already had a Mauser in his holster, but apparently not. Here's the girly blaster:

I like that gun. It reminds me of the one you see Sean Conery holding in those old Bond promo shots.

Maybe I should pose Luke holding it and a martini. :007
I wrote yesterday that I didn't think I would get it... Now I am leaning towards getting it... I like the idea of the medal accesory and the 30th anni logo on the stand.
The suspence is officially killing me!!!! I really can't wait for the end of May, and now I'm considering going all the way across the country to get in person. Forget Jedi, I want ANH figures stat!:chew
After seeing the pictures and now getting more OT stuff... I am VERY tempted to sell off all my PT stuff.. Save maybe Maul. I dunno, the Jedi are cool and all but I am really more in awe over the OT stuff done really nicely.
Well, thanks to a generous member I've seen this. I'm quite pleased to see the figure, its not absolutely bang on , but it is a very good likeness . I'll be adding him to my collection . I agree with earlier comments that this sculpt could only be used for this outfit though....

... so bring on farm boy Luke!!! :)
pixletwin said:
...Now I am leaning towards getting it... I like the idea of the medal accesory and the 30th anni logo on the stand.

My thoughts exactly.

I wonder if Cinnabons Leia will have the same 30th anniversary logo base? It would make some degree of sense, provided she ships before the end of the year. Simple dress, simple accessories, why not?
Could someone please PM me the Pic also??:D I'm pretty excited about this figure and I want to see what it looks like:chew
sorry for the late reply but could I get the pic PM'ed to me also. Thanks.
JAAKUB :monkey2

If someone could, I would also like to see the photo of Yavin Luke!

Please PM it!


Dr. B
TheObsoleteMan said:
I like that gun. It reminds me of the one you see Sean Conery holding in those old Bond promo shots.

This echoes my thoughts exactly. I never thought of it as a "girly gun." I always imagined it more like a small caliber with a sound suppressor on the end- a spy’s weapon. Remember how Imperials referred to the rebels as “rebel spies?”
jason2885 said:
The newbies sure are coming out of the woodwork to get this pic arent they.

Now now--- don't be an elitist... I'm sure that in your SS infancy you were once a newbie as well--- as I was prior to the meteor strike on the dinosaurs. But back to the topic in hand---- the Luke sculpt looks great and this figure is a really nice CIV Exclusive.