Yavin Luke image thread

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ProgMatinee said:
Come on Pix! You can buy an Art S Buck for $20...you just got screwed out of $30. LOL.

Seriously, even if the face sculpt isn't perfect, the jacket is much much better.

The boots and the pants, on the other hand, are not remarkable upgrades.

I say this is 2x better than Hasbro, but not 3x or 4x.


Well OK then... Cool having Jabba, Prog, Venny, Vice all on one board again. :inlove

jedibear said:
Here's another outside shot of Luke after the ceremony... :)


I'm liking this one....

...but I'm really looking forward to Plo Koon in the coming weeks...

It's a good picture to be sure. But it doesn't say "luke skywalker" to me. It reminds me more of Buck Rogers or something. I dunno. The hair and eyes are off.
Coheteboy said:
It's a good picture to be sure. But it doesn't say "luke skywalker" to me. It reminds me more of Buck Rogers or something. I dunno. The hair and eyes are off.

Couldn't have said it better!
jedibear said:
Another outdoor shot of Luke with an old friend...


I like it... Looking forward to when my next SS shipment arrives on Monday with Yavin Luke. I'll pose him with this Han however...

jedibear said:
I give up.

Sucks that people have to bring their negativity constantly to a thread... but that's the deal I guess. The point has been taken, move along and sell your figures or take a dump in the box and mail it to an enemy. Don't really care, but its not necessary to constantly beleaguer the thread.


1. annoy persistently; "The children teased the boy because of his stammer" [syn: tease]
2. surround so as to force to give up; "The Turks besieged Vienna" [syn: besiege]

I'm reminded of this earlier thread that seems very poignant again (and almost always):

Is it the Dark Side that makes SW fans so evil?
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I second (third?) that. The detractors have made their point, now let's get back to the point of the thread and let those who want to, enjoy the pics without the constant mocking.
rabidwolverine21 said:
i didnt mean for my comment to be taken badly,if it was i my bad. just making a pants comment, lol i thought it was funny:monkey3
That's cool, it wasn't directed at you in particular. Your comment was actually quite amusing, it was just the last straw!
Outlander said:
I second (third?) that. The detractors have made their point, now let's get back to the point of the thread and let those who want to, enjoy the pics without the constant mocking.

Actually I believe that you would be fourth--- I just looked in a mirror and unless I'm completely mistaken-- I EXIST.