Super Freak
Can't believe I'm the first one to point out they misspelled "Sidious"...
So we can forever capture the lamest fight in star wars history...Intense fight, Yoda slips falls...fight is over. Get back up and beat him.
OT Yoda and Palpatine > PT Yoda and Palpatine
The end was lame, but the fight itself was pretty cool.
Personally I've never understood why Yoda thought it was a good idea to split up. He and Obi could have gone to whoop Palps ass then Ani's.
That part actually does make sense to me. Anakin wanted to show he was better than Obi, not smarter. So instead of thinking it through he wanted to show off how powerful he was and went for the jump. Plus I imagine while he was moving the raft and coming ashore Obi would have attacked and Anakin would be more vulnerable.
Nice , but ........stop with dios of new trilogy...
Yes that shure would have been a lot coolerWhat you can see looks good. Maybe one with Yoda absorbing Sidious lightning would have been kewler.