Yeah...some Korean dude, wasn't it?
Remember that fat guy in Canada who stabbed the kid while he slept on a Greyhound bus? He had been eating his kill during the time he spent locked on the bus waiting for the police.
On May 17, 2012, the National Post reported that Vince Li has been granted temporary passes that will allow him to out of the Selkirk Mental Health Centre for visits to the town of Selkirk, supervised by a nurse and peace officer. In an interview Li spoke for the first time saying that he began hearing "the voice of God" in 2004 and that he wanted to save the people from an alien attack.
Man, ____ Canada for their cowardice in repealing the death penalty:
That crazy bastard should've been put to death after beheading the kid and eating pieces of him. But instead, now he's out and about regularly, with only a doctor and a single cop to monitor him.![]()
I sure do. When I heard about the Miami cannibal I immediately thought about the Greyhound case where that freak attacked someone for no reason just like zombie boy. That kid in the bus was minding his own business and that nutbar beheaded him and started eating pieces of him. I also heard he was found not guilty for reason of insanity.![]()
Man, ____ Canada for their cowardice in repealing the death penalty:
That crazy bastard should've been put to death after beheading the kid and eating pieces of him. But instead, now he's out and about regularly, with only a doctor and a single cop to monitor him.![]()
That's infuriating. A country that won't put a monster like that to death is as bad as places like Iran that execute 15 year old girls for indecency. No respect for human life.
When I was at, I got lynched for calling the people on the bus cowards for having done nothing but run and lock the guy inside. And it wasn't that they were defending their cowardice. They told me I had no right to call them cowards.
I understand being afraid, but own up to it. Now that the entire legal system has bent over and lubed themselves while they bat their eyelashes at this guy, there's no way it could be because they're cowards. It's for reasons much more special, I'm sure.
To this day I'm in awe of the fact that not one person on that bus took any action other than to run. Talk about candidates for Darwin's highest honor. I guess it's open season to walk into any public place in Canada and start gutting people with k-bars. No one will stop you, and no one will convict you. They're sooooo progressive.![]()
I'm speaking more to the nerds who went apoplectic when I suggested that the kid didn't have to die. None of what you just posted was presented. I just got a bunch of ____ thrown at me to the effect that Americans are arrogant and delusional (myself being at the head of the line).
If the same thing had happened here, I think most self-entitled douches would prefer to stand there and record all the damn ____ on their iPhones to upload to YouTube like pathetic snuff film voyeurs, than actually interfere to save any lives.![]()
Precisely. This _______ started stabbing the poor kid (like a robot) with zero warning, in the middle of the night when most passengers were sleeping.
And yes there were scared women and children running for the door, woken from the screams. I heard one lady was passing her child over people to get them out first.
The kid was literally dead by the time most passengers woke up let alone had the moments thought to realize what was happening. And now this ____ing prick gets to go sight seeing and field trips? Good God was a twisted world we live in.![]()
...but at the moment I can only imagine what the family of that poor guy on the bus now have to endure on a daily basis thanks to the actions of one man.
Precisely. This _______ started stabbing the poor kid (like a robot) with zero warning, in the middle of the night when most passengers were sleeping.
And yes there were scared women and children running for the door, woken from the screams. I heard one lady was passing her child over people to get them out first.
The kid was literally dead by the time most passengers woke up let alone had the moments thought to realize what was happening.
It is terrifying that one person crossing the line can render an entire group of people as helpless as cattle.