You try running a government over 1.3 billion people and see how easy it is.![]()
Yeah, I suppose. Them trying to control the population by killing off their female population isn't helping too much. Guess they'll have to try something else next.
You try running a government over 1.3 billion people and see how easy it is.![]()
Yeah, I suppose. Them trying to control the population by killing off their female population isn't helping too much. Guess they'll have to try something else next.
Like having farmers be responsible parents? Yeah, fat chance of that.
You have to look at it from a parental perspective. As are many of the issues here, the parents are to blame. If I was given the choice of only one child, I would've been perfectly content with my daughter. But too many people are too concerned about their own surname to give a ____ about the children they bear.
Population control is for *******. China sucks pig butt.
True.......but they want boys because they can get more work out of them I guess.
But it's the government that says they should only have one child and they abort right up to the time of delivery. And some are even forced to. Shame.
I know a few people who have adopted from China. They said it's really sad over there.![]()
Can you think of a better way of keeping 1.3 billion people from overpopulating the country to the point where it crashes economically and they start warring with neighboring countries for expansion?
I agree about the Chinese fixation on passing on the family name being principally responsible for the preference for boys, but the expansion of India's middle class and it's relatively benign relations with its neighbours suggests that there is an alternative to China's one-child policy.
*sorry Nam, it's past 2 in the morning here, I'll have to pick this one up later if it carries on![]()
I agree about the Chinese fixation on passing on the family name being principally responsible for the preference for boys, but the expansion of India's middle class and it's relatively benign relations with its neighbours suggests that there is an alternative to China's one-child policy.
*sorry Nam, it's past 2 in the morning here, I'll have to pick this one up later if it carries on![]()
Actually, it's less about carrying on the surname but they consider a male child to have more worth to the family. It's a culture thing. Yes, you can blame the parents, but at the same time, it's the government that set the one child limit, which in turn forces the parents hands in alot of cases. It's messed up. And I'm sure most of the women want their babies, but they don't have much say in the matter.
The three main determinants in Chinese families' preference for boys are the capacity to do heavy labour in rural communities, the capacity for progeny to support their aging parents, and lineage. Personally, coming from a family half of which is Chinese (but not mainland traditional Chinese), I place greater emphasis on the lineage factor.
Interestingly, here's an article that points to research that Chinese couples who settle in overseas industrialised nations "appear to reject their traditional cultural preference for boys". Also suggested is the notion that the CCP's policy of one child per family "apparently reinforces a cultural preference for boys".
There is some flexibility to the one-child policy - exemptions may be granted in some cases. And if you're rich, you can effectively buy a 2nd or 3rd child. Nam is right - managing a population the size of China's is of course no easy trick. But the CCP's policies in my opinion show a lack of imagination in addressing either population concerns or the implications of their engineering of the demographic character of the populace - ie the increasing imbalance between the number of girls to boys.
Nam is also right in saying that the parents ought to bare responsibility in adhering to the plainly stated rules... but forced late term abortions tend not to happen to the wealthy and educated in China, and the hypocrisy of this just bums me out.
I just know what I've seen of the orphanages is really awful.
Socialism is unsustainable. Period.