Your first NIGHTMARE! Which horror film started it all?

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Super Freak
Jul 3, 2015
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We all have that one horror film that scared the living daylights out of us. Usually it happens as a young person watching something way beyond the ability of our youthful minds to deal with.

So which one is it? What movie shocked you so bad you couldn't sleep ? How old were you? Did it happen more than once?

Mine :

Happened 4 times.

1st . ~7 Jaws....all water activities become terrifying, baths impossible.

2nd. ~10 American Werewolf in London. Dog attack become real. Nightmare in a nightmare. Never open a ringing doorbell.

3rd. ~12 The Exorcist; backward talking, cursing at a level I never heard from a 13 year old girl, and demons... In your belly.

4th. ~ 13 Dan of the Dead ; biting chunks of flesh, exploding heads, guts, bikers gangs..began thinking about my zombie plan.
After I saw the 70's remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, I couldn't sleep for days. Specifically it was the scene where Donald Sutherland and Karen Black were walking, trying to blend in with the snatched and a dog with a human head started barking at them. I was 10 years old, maybe less.

Here is a pic...


That was enough to send me over the edge.
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I never really had nightmares about horror movies. But when I was around 8, I saw bits and pieces of Terminator. And the oppressive, dingy mood, alongside the scene with him cutting his eye out (really the only one I remember from that viewing) left a mark on me. Also, various segments from Monty Python's Meaning of Life, which I also saw around that age, and which scarred me something fierce.
my dad took me to see salems lot when i was 4, that was my 1st horror movie and it scared the crap outta me. i rewatched it again when i was about 17 or 18 and it wasnt scarry at all........who takes a 4 year old to a horror movie?? :lol
Friday the 13th. I was in the 4th grade and we saw it at a birthday party. I had nightmares almost every night for 3 months. Was terrified that someone was under my bed and was going to twist a knife through my throat.

I was hooked ever since...
Walked in on dad watching Jaws, still affects me to this day :lol

I didn't even want to get out my bed at night as a child because the darkness around felt like ocean. To this day when I go to the beach I will always think of a shark attack whilst in the water. It doesn't stop me going in but I'd be a lier if I didn't say it still makes me a little nervous though. DAMN YOU SPIELBERG :pfft:

Dad also decided to show me the transformation of the American Werewolf in London :slap Good Lord the stress! I'm glad I can enjoy those movies now though.
Horror movies don't scare me. However, I was very young when I saw Robocop and that film was hard to watch. The Ed 209 scared me and the main villain, Clarence J. Boddicker also scared me, the way he killed Murphy. :monkey2
Horror movies don't scare me. However, I was very young when I saw Robocop and that film was hard to watch. The Ed 209 scared me and the main villain, Clarence J. Boddicker also scared me the way he killed Murphy. :monkey2

That didn't scare me so much as disturb the way they killed Murph. It was the first time I witnessed something like that. Yeah defineatly a moment right there for sure Prince.
Sunday Horrors on TV. My oldest brother was allowed to watch them. I used to sneak in some viewing of some of them. I can't remember names, but it was stuff like The Howling. I remember being freaked by these old B grade vampire and werewolf type flicks. That was before we even had a VHS player.

Lasting movie theatre scare moments from my childhood... Jaws 3D, and believe it or not, certain scenes in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

And another old TV B-grader I remember (and recently re-watched on youtube).. Werewolf. The episodes with Skorzeny transforming and stalking Eric were freakishly good. But by mid-season they'd cast an actor double and barely used him for most of the middle of the season... and then cheaply killed the character off and replaced him with a bigger 'Big Bad' not long before the series was finally cancelled.
Exorcist and Jaws. Jaws I saw in the movie theater when I was real young and scared the hell out of me. Exorcist I saw on video tape when I was about 9 and that one really did a number on me as well.

The one thing that kept me up at nights as a kid. I could watch Halloween, Childs Play, Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, you name it. But when I heard "ET phone home" my skin would crawl and I would run and hide.
I was a complete ***** as a kid. Friggin terminator 2 scared me. But the two most influential things to scare me as a kid was first, Aliens. My friend had it on VHS and I made it as far as the hive scene where the woman has the chestburster well.....burst. As soon as that happened, I got up and went straight home. Kind of funny since Aliens is now in my top 5 favourite films.

The other one was the X-Files tv show. I managed to make it through a bunch of episodes but the jersey devil episode did me in. Couldn't sleep with my arms or shoulders outside my covers after that. Still can't. But after that I would basically lock myself in my room when my parents were watching it and I could hear the theme song.
It's funny when you are of an age where you are not quite old enough to remember the classic originals as a kid, but the inferior second or third sequel sticks in your head. I never saw Jaws and Jaws 2 until the era of video/DVD hire stores. But I will always see in my mind as a child that arm and jawbone floating across the screen in really bad 3D, and the 40-50 foot ridiculously oversized shark attack the underwater infrastructure in the third movie.

For Elm Street it is Freddy driving the bus, the protagonist going mad and the pool party in Elm Street 2. But I didn't watch the first, or the third movie until many years later.
I was never scared of movies even as a kid. I don't get how any movie could scare someone when you know its all fake. It doesn't make sense. Some movies can be disturbing but they could never make me fear for my life. The movie that was the most disturbing to me as a kid was Fire in the Sky.