are lenticular covers the best?
That's right! And some times it's lenticular!![]()
I have a lenticular house. Hard to find the door when I come home drunk.
Did he say 3D Predator was good? I thought all the new transfers sucked due to ridiculous DNR.
Those 12 and 18 age logos are just awful looking.
I asked him specifically about good 3D movies. He got back to me yesterday that the 3D transfer on Predator was pretty good, worth owning. This 2D blu ray is the same plasticized DNR transfer as "The Ultimate Hunter" one. But apparently in 3D its not so noticeable, I guess because so much else is going on. Admittedly, upon reading reviews, seems like a lot of the movie is not really 3D... but what is works astonishingly well.
I also do not have any Predator in my blu ray collection... and now I am obsessed with 3D. So for $17.99 it was recommended.
I recommend the Life Of Pi 3d release.
Predator 3D.... thanks to Jye, my blu ray pimp.
Did he say 3D Predator was good? I thought all the new transfers sucked due to ridiculous DNR.
I asked him specifically about good 3D movies. He got back to me yesterday that the 3D transfer on Predator was pretty good, worth owning. This 2D blu ray is the same plasticized DNR transfer as "The Ultimate Hunter" one. But apparently in 3D its not so noticeable, I guess because so much else is going on. Admittedly, upon reading reviews, seems like a lot of the movie is not really 3D... but what is works astonishingly well.
I also do not have any Predator in my blu ray collection... and now I am obsessed with 3D. So for $17.99 it was recommended.
Yeah, I would imagine everything would pop with all those primary colors and all. The whale must be amazing.