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If I could afford to pour $10K into my sound system, I probably would too.

I still wouldn't

I probably would do so as well, with the caveat that I'd have to be comfortable in all other aspects of me life, i.e. debt paid down, kids' college fund saved, etc.

But by no means do I begrudge anyone their hobbies. More power to ya (just let me come watch a movie every once in a while :wink1:).
I probably would do so as well, with the caveat that I'd have to be comfortable in all other aspects of me life, i.e. debt paid down, kids' college fund saved, etc.

But by no means do I begrudge anyone their hobbies. More power to ya (just let me come watch a movie every once in a while :wink1:).

Well that's the beauty of it. I love to invite people over to enjoy it as well. It's not only for me.
You should petition the studios to press special VHS, Betamax and Laserdisc versions for you, just to make your collection complete.

I have to ask, do you ever buy movies you already knew you didn't like?
:lol :lol :lol

Guess I should hunt for a VCR player now haha. That would be amazing. :lol

Pretty much. I sometimes go on a spree based on an actor or actress I'm obsessed about. Recently it was Rachel McAdams, and I bought a bunch of movies with her in it. Kind of why I went with "Aloha". :lol

Sometimes I check ratings, and then wait for a bit of a drop, and still get it. I watch em all eventually anyway.

That was just the add-on (ATMOS) :lol I love this stuff and I will never regret pouring a lot of money into it. I can have regrets about spending it on statues sometimes, but never this. I'm not the only one enjoying it, friends and family as well, and I'm happy to provide the entertainment.

Well that's the beauty of it. I love to invite people over to enjoy it as well. It's not only for me.

Couldn't have said it better. To be honest, I didn't know jack **** about media players and televisions and all; but I've really gotten hooked. I love having family come over and asking what movie we are watching. We leave the living room and head to the basement just to see it for the best experience.

I love that, and I don't mind dropping a lot of money on it. I do it mainly for me, but seeing others enjoy it; is icing on the cake.

But how many of you have a true 4K set up?
I have my JS9000 set up with the 8.1 soundbar. I picked up the Samsung player a few days ago, and I have a few UHD movies that I double dipped on. I may get the 9500 or wait to see what we got inbound.

My next challenge is to get the AX1 video camera; this should be fun. :lol
Couldn't have said it better. To be honest, I didn't know jack **** about media players and televisions and all; but I've really gotten hooked. I love having family come over and asking what movie we are watching. We leave the living room and head to the basement just to see it for the best experience.

I love that, and I don't mind dropping a lot of money on it. I do it mainly for me, but seeing others enjoy it; is icing on the cake.

Wonderful isn't it! Yesterday my girlfriend and her kids were over and they said they never saw Finding Nemo (and were seeing Finding Dory today) and I just said let's go to the theatre and pulled it out of my library. Just awesome.
Wonderful isn't it! Yesterday my girlfriend and her kids were over and they said they never saw Finding Nemo (and were seeing Finding Dory today) and I just said let's go to the theatre and pulled it out of my library. Just awesome.


That literally just happened to me! :lol

It definitely is a good feeling. And seeing these movies, gives me some good memories with the family. I can literally recall every viewing of each movie, and it just seems like a bottled memory.

My sister and her family are visiting, so I'm hoping to indulge em in the world of Star Wars. :rock