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10 Rillington Place, great movie. Until now I've never ran into anyone else who even knew of it!

I know of it but i haven't seen it yet. I thought i could hold off on buying it a little longer but Indicator announced last week that it's almost sold out so i had to get it now.

You still haven't. My Danish brother just buys whatever pops up on his screen ! :lol

:lol :lecture

Curious to see what that mail-order bride looks like. Should probably have checked what the return policy is on those before ordering :panic:
Deepwater Horizon Target steel book.

Blind buy, never seen the movie...but my steel book obsession is a sickness. I may return it though, like I did the Target Creed steel book.
Haven't opened it yet but it doesn't say anything on it anywhere about being the Director's Cut, Ultimate or anything.