Anything with Wolverine on the box....
What do those have to do with this thread though?I want Rambo/Rocky DX
ED 209.
ED 209.
Joker 2.0
PS, Robocop.
Probably Robocop is my most anticipated.
After that though I'm really interested to see...
Man of Steel Supe's
Returns Batman & Penguin
'66 Batman
Iron Patriot
Thor: Dark World version
I've added the Iron Patriot & Dark World Thor because we all know Hot Toys will definitely be putting them out as well & I'll be seriously interested in both
Right now, all my major wants are Bat-related, except for BD T-800. It's a shame we've had no clue of any plans for a Fassbender Magneto. Hoping to see a Keaton head with the Returns DX.
With regards that, I bet they spring specs right before Xmas, seeing as the film is set at Xmas too.