My wife is hoping that this is just a "phase" that I'm going through. I haven't yet began displaying my pieces but my wife is beginning to notice that the basement is filling up with Sideshow boxes. She can NEVER find out how much these things cost. My in-laws are quite religious so I think that my 1:1 Lord of Darkness Bust and 1:1 Hellboy Bust will probably never be displayed. My wife thinks that my 1:1 Predator Bust is plain ugly as is the Predator Maquette. I haven't shown her my Pumpkinhead Maquette yet. She did like the 1:1 Alien Warrior Bust but she thinks that I'll probably just end up selling it. I tell her that these pieces are for my theater room - if & when I ever build it. If I never do, then there will be many "grails" for sale, my me, on these boards. My wife is a high school teacher, enough said.