My thoughts on the current state of 1/6 are simple, they're not making any dolls I'm interested in and because of this, I've been buying a lot less than I have in previous years. I want to get more, but they're just not picking characters or properties I'm interested in.
It's a love/hate kind of thing I guess. I wanna get more so it sucks I'm not getting what I want, but hey, I'm not having to buy anything so that's nice too. I'm not losing sleep over it. Would I like to get a Kyle Reese, a Returns Catwoman and Penguin, and a new endoskeleton? Sure. But it's whatever. Let the masses that are into mainstream stuff get what they want. I feel sorry for the people that feel the need to get all those Leto Jokers, Kyle Rens, Iron Men, duck troopers, Harleys and BB8s, but if that's what sells, then who ali to talk.
I'll say this, they're saving me a lot of money with this focus on modern superhero and star wars crap. I only gave in with a Vader and Affleck Batman, and that was just out of boredom because I haven't been buying anything 1/6 for well over a year.