ZaCHw117's Collection and B/S thread HUGE UPDATE 4/16

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Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

*pees pants*


Just look at that weathering! And all metal? I'm in heaven!
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

You can actually tell that Joker's knife is sharp as hell, like Rambo's. Absolutely incredible.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

:nana: 1/4 > 1/6 :nana:

I don't know, something about 1/4 just takes away a bit of the "holy ____ they can do that at this size?!" magic feeling.

Preach it, Jyecat!

Speaking of cats, I love having Oskar the Blind Kitteh on FB:

Doesn't he just put a smile on your face everytime?
Asking the right person

loved it. :lol

at first I was like this:

If 1/4 is only bigger than 1/6, then I will stick to 1/6 and save money and space.

now i'm like this:

Even if 1/4 is the same quality as 1/6, just bigger, who the ____ cares, bring it home baby!

Jye, you can use 1/4 batman to ride on 1/6 batmobile!

A war is brewing.......I can see it now........Zach and Brady Vs Jamie and Jyecat :lol

You've opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war! You are unworthy of these realms, you're unworthy of your collection, you're unworthy... of the loved ones you have betrayed! I now take from you your power! In the name of my father and his father before, I, Jyecat Allfather, cast you out!....of Zach's thread. :lol

I haven't opened this thread to war, it is you and your slave, Jamie, who have bought destruction upon us! You and your ambition to turn this peace loving 1/6 realm into a 1/4 wasteland! I order you and your collection of lolcats to ride out on the jpeg you rode in on!:lol



Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I haven't opened this thread to war, it is you and your slave, Jamie, who have bought destruction upon us! You and your ambition to turn this peace loving 1/6 realm into a 1/4 wasteland! I order you and your collection of lolcats to ride out on the jpeg you rode in on!:lol

Bahahaha! It's on now! Just wait, it's only a matter of time before you guys join the dark side.

And once you see the EB 1/4 Batman, you'll be counting your pennies and selling off Hot Toys like it's a fire sale!

:pfft: :lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!


Need full reveal!

I'm really enjoying the suspense, I've always loved that Bill does these's better than nothing, and you know that the storm is coming soon!

Once the full reveal is posted, I will probably have to streak down my street out of sheer excitement and uncontrollable joy :lol :blissy
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Bahahaha! It's on now! Just wait, it's only a matter of time before you guys join the dark side.

And once you see the EB 1/4 Batman, you'll be counting your pennies and selling off Hot Toys like it's a fire sale!

:pfft: :lol

Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Yea you noobs, start waving them and put those Hot Toys up for sale hahaha!

That is the best CB likeness that I've ever seen. It honestly looks like they cut off his head, shrunk it, and then mass produced them :lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!


I'll have to wait for voidcat's approval before further commenting.

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