ZaCHw117's Collection and B/S thread HUGE UPDATE 4/16

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Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

It's a renting station, like a vending machine but with movies. it's 1$ a night. Per movie.

Oh okay...I don't think we have any renting anything around here more Rogers Video, Blockbuster, no vending machines, no nothing- just On Demand on the cable boxes, but then they aren't in HD :(
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

And Zach if you aren't into horror, you love like comic stuff right? V for Vendetta?
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I have no idea what you guys are talking about, I don't watch too many horror films though. So that'd explain. They're to cheezy for me! :lol

Modern horror films are all about the gore. That's why I love the classic horrors from the 80's and 90's. The only modern series I can enjoy is Scream, which originates from the 90's.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Huh, weird that you canadians don't have RedBox, thought for sure you would.

V for Vendetta is awsome!!!

I need to get that on blu, always try to watch it on the 5th of November. :lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Yea man, I got V for Vendetta on blu for like 10 bucks last year off Amazon :D Definitely one of my favourite films :rock
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

That's a hell of a price, might have to get it. That's where I buy all my blus!

You have amazon student right?
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I haven't seen that film in ages. Although I love all Alan Moore comics
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

That's a hell of a price, might have to get it. That's where I buy all my blus!

You have amazon student right?

Amazon student? No...? Do tell...
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

You get free 2 day shipping on everything. Some amazon prime prices. Overnight shipping for only 3.99 and free for videogames. It's free for the first 6 months, then you can get amazon prime for 50% off. Which is a hell of a deal.

Thanks bud, but I just read the eligibility and it's only for American college students :( Boo :(
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Ugh, I hate Amazon. Although that student deal sounds awesome. I prefer ebay personally. I remember back before I became a freak, a time when all I used was ebay for collecting. Now I buy almost everything through the forum
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Ugh, I hate Amazon. Although that student deal sounds awesome. I prefer ebay personally. I remember back before I became a freak, a time when all I used was ebay for collecting. Now I buy almost everything through the forum

I guess the upside of buying through the forum is that there are often a lot of Australian sellers...I see them all the time. I wish there were more Canadian sellers :(
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

^I don't really mind whether it's nationally or internationally. The only downside is pricier shipping. But you are right, there are quite a few Aussies selling through the forum. A couple of which I've had the pleasure to buy from.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

^I don't really mind whether it's nationally or internationally. The only downside is pricier shipping. But you are right, there are quite a few Aussies selling through the forum. A couple of which I've had the pleasure to buy from.

Man prove me wrong about Australia, but how big are the spiders there? I freaking HATE spiders and I've seen some pretty nasty pictures online of these big suckers. This one in particular:


Furthermore, the biggest great whites are in and around the coast. I'm too scared to go to Australia, I feel like everything will kill me LOL!
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

:horrorThats a big baby! Can't say I've come across a spider that big!:thud: But the great whites aren't a problem. Here and there someone gets a chunk taken out of their leg but we have safety nets in the water. Then again they have been known to chew threw them:D

Man, I guess we do got a lot of natural dangers done here, but you just gotta grow a pair and learn to live with it. Everytime I go to the bathroom during the night I'm greated with geckos, spiders and moths the size of my hand:lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

:horrorThats a big baby! Can't say I've come across spider those big!:thud: But the great whites aren't a problem. Here and there someone gets a chunk taken out of their leg but we have safety nets in the water. Then again they have been known to chew threw them:D

Man, I guess we do got a lot of natural dangers done here, but you just gotta grow a pair and learn to live with it. Everytime I go to the bathroom during the night I'm greated with geckos, spiders and moths the size of my hand:lol

Jesus! :lol The biggest spiders we have in my area are like the size of my thumb... we have wolf spiders (size of your hand) up north in the more forested areas but they are pretty rare. There have been like 1 or 2 reports of the Northern (Canadian) Black Widow around here but I think you have a better chance of being hit by lightning then seeing one of those.

I wouldn't care for geckos or moths, they don't do anything but spiders are just a huge pain in the ass and are nasty little ____ers :pfft: So how are spiders the size of your hand getting into your bathroom? Seal up your windows and hide yo kids, hide yo wife! Haha
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I think if I did go to Australia then I'd be wearing one of these :lol
