Patience is a virtue my friend.
Plus, we all know I don't know anything about GTA cuz I smoke fake pot and climb on monkey bars. So I may be wrong.
As I'm not much of a hockey fan, and don't know anything about it, you should send me some pics you would want included. I'll see what I can do.
Whoops. the words are uneven.
Will you guys be picking up PS4? I'm not really interested as I'm quite happy with my PS3... plus it's not like Last of Us or GTA V will be PS4 exclusives.
I'll probably wait until PS4 is the dominant console and all new releases are PS4 branded, i.e. Destiny. Most likely mid-late 2014.
Same goes with X720.
Smoked a lot.
I wan't to smoke with brady and get in arguments over why Halo has only got one good game. Halo 2.
Smoked a lot.
I wan't to smoke with brady and get in arguments over why Halo has only got one good game. Halo 2.
That would be the only situation I could imagine myself lighting up. Have you ever had a bad trip and seen spiders everywhere?