ZaCHw117's Collection and B/S thread HUGE UPDATE 4/16

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Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

The sad part? I'll still buy the 2.0 :lol

Fair enough. My real dilemma is on TDKR. Do I go for Hot Toys 1/4 attempt or Enterbays? I'm just drooling think of a 1/4 Bane :drool
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Hot Toys needs to give us the ____ing specs and pics on bane already!!!

I wonder if EB will do any 1/6 TDKR. Would be cool to see a batman.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I forgot to tell you that I just picked this up from void. Should be shipping soon! :D

Also, here's Boo the watch-cat. Doing what he does best :lol

Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

^Congrats on your purchase Zach! I know you were hunting that one down for quite some time.

Awesome guard cat!:lol Did he out grow the refrigerator?
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Thank man.

:lol he tries to eat everything in the refrigerator. :lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Awesome table set man! I'm surprised Umair is parting with that too!
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

:rotfl Fantastic name for a cat
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

One thing I hate about the internets; can't tell if someone is serious or sarcastic:lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

:lol Yup, just a little guy too. I think someone ditched a litter of kitties on my street on Halloween in hopes people would find them and take them home. There's two other cats that are the same breed as him that wander the hood.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Oh, so you were being serious.....:loljks

Those two other cats sound as if they could be his brothers. Does he get into fights with other cats?
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Nah, he rules the neighborhood. All 25 pounds of him. :lol

How's your kitteh? :D
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

A friend of mine had a cat that would beat up passing dogs:lol

Kitteh is doing well, seems to have settled in. I forgot how active kitens were. He's climbing just about anything and can dart across a room at the blink of an eye:lol

On a side note, you ever played Stubbs the Zombie? Was an awesome game on original xbox were you played as the zombie eating people brains lol

Had an awesome 50's soundtrack;
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Sounds like he's having fun.

Never heard of the game but it sounds awesome! And it's got Death Cab? One of the best bands:D
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Blitz, you should be congratulated for every one of your survival days.

Congrats B, you and your kittehs made it another day w/o being eaten, stung, swallowed, venomized, crushed or flesh melted by big hairy :hi5:
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Nice dining room set you picked up :rock

My 2 cats are named lol and cat

Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Dining room :lol

You should get little collars for them that have their names on it :lol