ZaCHw117's Collection and B/S thread HUGE UPDATE 4/16

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Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

The first in-hand pics are in from bigsilva77 on Statue Forum! This thing is a real winner, it looks ____ing amazing!



Wow looks awesome. Can't wait to have one in my collection soon.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Go to the Thor PF thread in the Marvel section to see the rest of the pics :D

Looks sweet. Thank you for the info mate. And have you seen the Avengers HULK maquette. Obviously you must have but just asking. Looks freaking cool.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

The first in-hand pics are in from bigsilva77 on Statue Forum! This thing is a real winner, it looks ____ing amazing!



WOW! That is Amazing, but I am going to have to tell Silva that he needs a New Lazy Susan :lol:lol:lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Hey guys I'm gonna be absent on the boards for awhile. My damn HD in my macbook had a short. Gonna go get it fixed this weekend. I'll try coming on with my phone every now and again to chat though.

Thor is looking awesome though Jamie!
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Hey guys I'm gonna be absent on the boards for awhile. My damn HD in my macbook had a short. Gonna go get it fixed this weekend. I'll try coming on with my phone every now and again to chat though.

Thor is looking awesome though Jamie!

Oh bummer man, hopefully you're still under warranty with Apple Care!! :pray:

Yep, can't wait to get Thor tomorrow, I'll be taking TONS of pics. I'll just borrow my Dad's sexy new camera...I just have no idea how to use it :p :lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Oh bummer man, hopefully you're still under warranty with Apple Care!! :pray:

Yep, can't wait to get Thor tomorrow, I'll be taking TONS of pics. I'll just borrow my Dad's sexy new camera...I just have no idea how to use it :p :lol

I got the one year from Best Buy. However, that was last January. Hoping it pics up after the manufacture's warranty (that's how my works protection plans work).

Can't wait for pic though man! :D
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I've decided to pay a little extra and purchase the body (for my Doc) through an Aussie store called popcultcha. That way I won't have to wait very long for it to arrive.

Hopefully I'll have it before the weekend, that way I can have a little photo shoot.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I've decided to pay a little extra and purchase the body (for my Doc) through an Aussie store called popcultcha. That way I won't have to wait very long for it to arrive.

Hopefully I'll have it before the weekend, that way I can have a little photo shoot.

Can't wait to see it bud, I'm still in shock and awe at how awesome that head sculpt can even see the sweat! :panic:

On a bad note, I missed the FedEx man today so no Thor for me today :( :lol :slap
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

It sure is a beauty and will look even better put together.

That sucks about missing your parcel dude:( Happens to the best of us. A real face palm moment:slap:lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Hey Brady, I forgot to take a pic of all four of my PFs (including Thor) today but here's a pic I took about a month ago :D


I took a bunch of pics of Thor today, check out the Thor PF thread in the Marvel section to see the rest :D


Really stunning piece, 10/10 :clap
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Hey Brady, I forgot to take a pic of all four of my PFs (including Thor) today but here's a pic I took about a month ago :D


That's awesome man! And congrats on Thor:hi5:

Sad news here as my Narrow TT hasn't arrived and it's a long weekend. Well, good news about it being a long weekend but that also means I won't get my body till Tuesday at the earliest:(
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Just got back from The Avengers midnight showing, it was ____ing AWESOME!
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Glad to hear people are liking the Avengers.

Staying clear of spoilers. I'm seeing it on the 13th. :)
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Just saw it today too and it completely blew my mind...fantastic movie, I keep starring at my Thor PF and drooling :lol He's my favourite Avenger anyways :D :rock
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

:lol I still haven't seen it. It's one of those films that everybody likes, but doesn't appeal to me. I know I'll probably like it but I can't justify spending my money on a movie ticket.

I might go see it next week once the hype dies down a little.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

It's pretty awesome. I mean, not as awesome as Batman. But one of my favorite Marvel movies tied with the first Iron Man, I may have even liked it more.

Just gonna have to see how long it sits with me.