ZaCHw117's Collection and B/S thread HUGE UPDATE 4/16

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Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography

Pretty awesome sunset over here in Idaho last night. (Probably due to the fertilizer factory pumping ____ into our air :lol)
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography

The photography is coming along nicely.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography

Thanks Mags. Yeah, I've been looking at some. Hopefully I can afford to get one after I pay for this semester of school.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography

Well, as many of my better friends on here know I lost my kitty, Trip in September. We did everything to try and find him, we put up posters, checked the pound on a weekly basis, and continued our add in the paper all the way up past Thanksgiving. Days passed and we had a couple calls but none of them were Trip. In the meantime, our other cat Boo was starting to get real depressed. He had an empty house all to himself, and wasn't sure what quite happened to his pal.

We started looking at other options and we gave it a lot of thought and decided to get Boo a new friend. He looks a lot like Trip, but has a lot of different qualities. (Longer hair, brighter color, different color patterns). We're trying to decide between three names, Stark, Miles or Toby. We're kinda leaning towards Toby at the moment. :)



Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography

Well, as many of my better friends on here know I lost my kitty, Trip in September. We did everything to try and find him, we put up posters, checked the pound on a weekly basis, and continued our add in the paper all the way up past Thanksgiving. Days passed and we had a couple calls but none of them were Trip. In the meantime, our other cat Boo was starting to get real depressed. He had an empty house all to himself, and wasn't sure what quite happened to his pal.

We started looking at other options and we gave it a lot of thought and decided to get Boo a new friend. He looks a lot like Trip, but has a lot of different qualities. (Longer hair, brighter color, different color patterns). We're trying to decide between three names, Stark, Miles or Toby. We're kinda leaning towards Toby at the moment. :)




Boo, The Destroyer of Worlds
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography

:lol I think thats a Dragonball Z reference, I haven't watched that show since I was a kid. Boo is actually named after the day we found him, halloween :)

Glad you liked it; Zach, The reference was quoted by J. Robert Oppenheimer the father of the Atomic Bomb and when he saw what he had invented, he stated "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds"
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography

Glad you liked it; Zach, The reference was quoted by J. Robert Oppenheimer the father of the Atomic Bomb and when he saw what he had invented, he stated "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds"

Welp, I was a bit off....:lol Pretty cool though, that's a mighty but true quote.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography

Welp, I was a bit off....:lol Pretty cool though, that's a mighty but true quote.

Was not attempting to embarrass, just wanted to let you know where I knew the Quote from, my Friend, but in retrospect many movies and shows have used it for one purpose or another.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography

Was not attempting to embarrass, just wanted to let you know where I knew the Quote from, my Friend, but in retrospect many movies and shows have used it for one purpose or another.
No worries man! :hi5:
Cute kittah!!!! Name him Spooky

Thanks :) I think were gonna go with Toby :)