Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

"When I come out can you introduce me as Bor Gullet," lol.

"When I come out can you introduce me as Bor Gullet," lol.
If it wasn't for the general audience we wouldnt be getting the Snyder cut in the first place. Shazam and Birds of prey seemed like straight to Netflix movies as far as quality goes. And didn't Zack write the screenplay for Wonder Woman? He's had moderate success with the DC universe, if WB would quit meddling with his films we wouldn't be in this train wreck of a situation to begin with.
More people were on board with Affecks solo Batman than they were with Pattinson. There was at least some positivity surrounding Afflecks now cancelled movie. For one the story sounded way more interesting, and part of the movie was going to take place at Arkham asylum. No one has had anything good to say about Reeve's film as of yet. Costume, bat suit, batmobile, and some of the casting choices, have all been very questionable. And now Pattinson says things like he hasn't been working out at all or very little for the role. Wtf.![]()
All the progress that's been made? What progress? DC hasn't done anything since Aquaman. So you're content with films like Birds of Prey and Shazam? Is that the progress you're referring to?No thanks.
They could give up on Pattinsons Batman right now and no one would give two sh**s.
Joker , Shazam and ww **** on the zack crap. Aquaman made a billion and people actually want to see a new take on Batman . The Snyder cut fans are the minority when it comes to this ****, lets see the GA actual give a crap about a Snyder cut . And no I?m not content with BOP that?s my point. It takes place in the ****** Snyder verse and we should move past that.
And yea the hell right. No one would give two ****s if the Pattinson Batman movie was canceled? Yea right. Lol. I don?t know about you but the hype for the movie is high plus it?s Batman . Not every DC fan liked the crap Snyder universe and are drooling for his take on again.
I?m curious for it but I definitely don?t think it?ll change his terrible vision. JL felt like a rushed movie with or without Snyder .
You know, I love the LOTR films, but as time goes by, I find the overacting and overly melodramatic (bordering on kitsch) scenes really annoying.
PJ did a fantastic job with The Fellowship of the Ring, but The Two Towers and The Return of the King became progressively over the top in acting and tone. Every single "emotional" scene between Frodo and Sam is so over-acted it's a chore to sit through, and I'm still trying to forget that last scene with the hobbits jumping on Frodo's bed... it's just so poorly acted/directed, it's horrible to watch...
And yes, I'm ready to be thrown off the Minas Tirith tower
EDIT: And I totally agree with your assessment of the Skywalker Saga!
But the whole point is Snyder had his movie ready, when he stepped down Whedon did the reshoots... so Snyder doesn't need to do reshoots, only post and maybe some additional photography that is usually made once the first cut is put together and people realise some scenes need better transitions or whatever.
Sorry jye, but that's non-news and pure click-bait.
It?s Batman. People would care. Put Batman in the title and it?s bound to make 800+ million regardless.
Who are these guys? Are they in the industry?
Sorry, I just don't follow youtubers...
Damn years later the hate is still on lol.
Having people who hate MOS and BVS questioning how relevant, or legimate is the release of the Snyder cut is so hypocritical.
Feels like Snyder raped their mom or something lol
No reshoots with actors were planned.
Don't bother listening to the people who said for months "it does not exist".
Snyder and his team are the only reliable source.
This video is so money
Pattinson will be a one off, elsewhere, just like joker.
Shazam and Aquaman are tied to the Snyderverse and were always going to release.
Ben Affleck was one of the things people loved about BvS, they could easily have two Batmen at the same time. I don?t think anyone should get cancelled. Wether Ben returns is completely up to him. WB wanted him to stay..
IF the Snyder cut is very well received, it could open up the door to things
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So you're saying if they'd called it Batman's Justice League it would have made bank and no one would care if it was Snyder's cut. If only....
So you're saying if they'd called it Batman's Justice League it would have made bank and no one would care if it was Snyder's cut. If only....
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None of these casual people look like they know who Batman is.... except maybe the ******* all the way to the right.
So LOTR trilogy is trash now, ok cool.
It only means that we are getting closer to crappy TDK.
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So LOTR trilogy is trash now, ok cool.
It only means that we are getting closer to crappy TDK.
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View attachment 485813
None of these casual people look like they know who Batman is.... except maybe the ******* all the way to the right.
no idea im afraid though some on here might know
i posted it as its has the guy who played darkside contributing at around the hour mark so thought they could be legit or at least his contribution would be factual if not the rest of it
So you really want me to link. Dude we get it you hate dc but love marvel and ****** star wars sequels as long as khev likes them. I actually like you dude, but damn your really need to move on to a different thread. I mean post all the negativity you want here it, aint going to change ****, just like with joker. Joker ****ing made most biased marvel warriors eat ****. How many Actors have won an acedemy award for playing a marvel character? Yet dc has 2 already. If turns out good great. The difference between me and you is i like both marvel and dc i dont have these crazy cult allegiance to one or the other. I want them both to do well, i guess that why ill never understand you hatred or you predisposition to want to see dc fail. One thing dc doesnt fail at animated movies, marvel couldnt make a good one to save its life and thats comming from someone who wants to see both properties do well.
What?s do different about it tho? Like what is going to change ? Green lanterns? Darksied, Black suit Superman? Is that what everyone is happy about?
Not sure if you're actually serious, but...
What I'm hoping for is better cinematography, better music score, a tone and atmosphere more aligned with the earlier movies (MOS and BvS), no silly jokes, no mutant Henry Cavill CGI, and a more cohesive story and better character arcs that bring better closure to what was set in motion in BvS.
You know, I love the LOTR films, but as time goes by, I find the overacting and overly melodramatic (bordering on kitsch) scenes really annoying.
PJ did a fantastic job with The Fellowship of the Ring, but The Two Towers and The Return of the King became progressively over the top in acting and tone. Every single "emotional" scene between Frodo and Sam is so over-acted it's a chore to sit through, and I'm still trying to forget that last scene with the hobbits jumping on Frodo's bed... it's just so poorly acted/directed, it's horrible to watch...
And yes, I'm ready to be thrown off the Minas Tirith tower
EDIT: And I totally agree with your assessment of the Skywalker Saga!
So LOTR trilogy is trash now, ok cool.
Ah shut up. Ain?t nobody mad about nothing we are having a discussion. Damn I hate when people cry when people have different opinions