Saying BvS had some of the best stuff of any DC movie isn't saying much so far with the DCEU...

Zack did nothing new. He used the Dark Knight comic as a template for the costume and ripped of the Batmobile from the Arkham series of video games. And let's not even talk about either Doomsdays portrayal or design..

I respect your opinion, but I just don't understand how actual DC comic fans like BvS.
I agree with you on Lex and as for me and
my opinion he is the WORST adaption of a villain ever on screen. As bad as Leto's SS Joker was/is, I still think JL's Lex was worse.

To the point where I want to turn it off the minute he is seen on screen. He is the main reason I can't sit through a 2nd viewing and even give the UE version a watch.
As for Wonder Woman, we really have no comparison to gage her performance with (and NO Linda Carter doesn't count as we need a modern comparison not something from TV in the 70's). Gadot is acceptable but I'm sure there was a better choice out there. I feel they simply wanted a known and well liked charismatic actor and to grab some of her Fast & Furious worldwide fan base.
And finally you should always add "
In my opinion" cause Batfleck is to me NOT the best Batman/Bruce Wayne by far. I didn't care for him as either Batman or Wayne. He isn't Clooney bad or Val Kilmer bad, but Afleck would never have been my choice as even a contender to play the role. If I had to choose from what we've gotten on screen, I'd still have to go with Christian Bale as the best performance to date in both roles. He made both a convincing Bruce Wayne and Batman (other than the voice, but I'm sure that had more to do with Nolan). But, I don't think anyone has owned that role. For me the best Batman is still out there and yet to be put on screen. And, yet again, in NO way is it gonna be Robert Pattinson..
I'd rather watch Green Lantern again than watch BvS.. In fact I think I'd give any DC comic book movie a watch (excluding Catwoman as I've never seen it and never will) including Superman 3 & 4 and Batman 3 & 4 before trying to watch BvS again.
I've given up on DC/WB ever thrilling me with a near perfect comic movie. The bar was set with The Dark Knight for DC and I don't ever see them even coming close to that level of movie ever again. I can't help but role my eyes at everything they do. AND I am a DC FAN since the 80's, I am not a MARVEL/MCU fan boy...