Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon

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Is it really so hard to believe that his attempts to have a deeper meaning fell flat on their face with this one?

He can try all he wants to make a modern masterpiece, but if he just doesn't have the talent to pull it off, all we're left with is a complete mess.
You're assuming that "meaning" exists.
And I'm really not trying to pick on you Alatar. Remember, I'm one of the very few people on earth that really enjoyed Matrix 4. But just cause I enjoyed it, doesn't mean I think it was some kind of deep masterpiece that the majority of the viewers were dumb to understand. I just liked it.
Is it really so hard to believe that his attempts to have a deeper meaning fell flat on their face with this one?

He can try all he wants to make a modern masterpiece, but if he just doesn't have the talent to pull it off, all we're left with is a complete mess.

But it doesn’t fall flat on its face for me. I sincerely mean, that. I’m not just saying that to play a role on the other side of the divide. I genuinely love the film, and the messages I’m seeing in it.
And I'm really not trying to pick on you Alatar. Remember, I'm one of the very few people on earth that really enjoyed Matrix 4. But just cause I enjoyed it, doesn't mean I think it was some kind of deep masterpiece that the majority of the viewers were dumb to understand. I just liked it.

We‘re good my man, you should express exactly how you feel, and what you see, what you believe. All that. It’s all good!
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Well, just cause I've dogged on it doesn't mean I'm not gonna at least check out part 2, or the R-rated versions, especially if it has ****ies in it.

I just don't think there's any way to elevate the movie(s) above the schlock that it is. But hey...I've watched schlock my whole life. Sometimes it's fun.
You see, Alatar?

You see how you single handedly threw out the raw meat for the dogs?

Nxt 4 pages will be dissecting ZS's "hidden meaning"
You're not helping, my guy.

Meanings or not. That's for the audience to decide. The very idea of arguing "meaning" in a ZS film, (even as a fan) seems like a reach.

If you see it, cool. Doesn't warrant discussion imo.

Wow! Think about what you’re saying there!
You see, Alatar?

You see how you single handedly threw out the raw meat for the dogs?

Nxt 4 pages will be dissecting ZS's "hidden meaning"

Haha, tell me about it.

There’s no convincing the people who have made up their mind that it’s trash.

But if I reach but a few people… hell, even one… who decides to inspect the film as I suggest, and they see more or less what I’m saying in addition to whatever else they might find, then it will be worth the effort in my opinion.

Besides, blame Wor-Gar! He’s the one that convinced me to return! 😛
Haha, tell me about it.

There’s no comnvincing the people who have made up their mind that it’s trash.

But if I reach but a few people… hell, even one… who decides to inspect the film as I suggest, and they see more or less what I’m saying in addition to whatever else they might find, then it will be worth the effort in my opinion.

Besides, blame Wor-Gar! He’s the one that convinced me to return! 😛
Nah bro. Check it.

It okay for folks to not like ZS films. Obviously. It's okay to be a fan of ZS films. Obviously.

I will take issue over obvious nonsense that I am content to call - others opinion.

(did I just type that...)

But preaching to the masses when the ratio isn't in your favor, that there's a meaning they're missing..

It's not only lost in translation, it's outright ignored, if not hated. It's just a bad take to stand on, publicly imo. But if you're really ready to stand on it - you have my respect. Even if I don't agree with foundation of it.

My man.
This can go both ways. If you genuinely dislike the guys films - why watch? Just get on with life and ignore his films. But we BOTH know you are incapable of that, do we not?

I don't care for James Gunn movies and it has f-all to do with him coming into the ass-end of the the previous ZS works.

I genuinely find overly cringey/raunchy comedy that a 14 yr old would likely laugh at - uninteresting.
That's how I feel about the man's work based on what he's given us. Homelander is not my cup of tea.

GOTG did not require a trilogy. I was good after the first one - which I quite did not hate.
I didn’t watch rebel moon yet so that argument is all but invalid.
I watched the dc movies he made cause I’m a fan of the property.
And I don’t really care about James Gunn. If his movies suck I’ll treat him just like Snyder and say he needs to stay away from DC. It’s not hatred for a single director. Could care less if it’s Zack or not.
The asm films were garbage and I still watched them cause I was a fan of spidey but after the second film I decided Sony wasn’t right for the character. It’s not biased at all.

I’ll give rebel moon a chance tho cause I’m curious about it
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Is it really so hard to believe that there could be some deeper meanings to the film that the director is purposefully trying to convey?
I’ll be honest. I think you are looking for meaning that isn’t really there. It’s just your perspective. Like that’s just how you see it and that’s why the others can’t see it. You see something in bvs that has nuance while many others just see a mess of a film. I mean that’s ok. We all think differently. We all see things in our own little ways. But of course there may be people that see it the way you do aswell
I’ll be honest. I think you are looking for meaning that isn’t really there. It’s just your perspective. Like that’s just how you see it and that’s why the others can’t see it. You see something in bvs that has nuance while many others just see a mess of a film. I mean that’s ok. We all think differently. We all see things in our own little ways
I'd just like to say the extended version of BvS exist and is quite the watch imo.

Just tired of BvS getting thrown under the buss is all. Or perhaps that sucked too for most, idk lol