Razor Hanzo
Freaked Out
IMAX 10:50 tomorrow night!!!
People are dumb if they were expecting Citizen Kane.
Got my ticket for imax at 12:01. The lady said there were only 45 tickets sold as I was getting mine so I can at least look forward to not having to sit in a crowded theater.
I am really looking forward to this movie.
Yeah Avatar was so good and awesome.
Well I don't think anyone would want to see nasty fat unsexy girls blowing stuff up.
Alright just got home from seeing this on IMAX (which was really awesome).
Overall, I enjoyed the movie. Graphics wise its as good as anything you'll see all year long I would venture to guess. Acting wise its fine and is what you should expect really as someone said this isn't a movie you expect Oscars to come from. Emotion between the characters was alright and done pretty well as I think you can tell they care for each other.
Character development wise you really only get a background on a couple of them. So that I thin will have an affect on how you feel about some of them. For me personally I only really cared about Baby Doll and Rocket the rest are nice to look at.
Story wise its pretty cool. You can see a couple things coming based on how things are said at the start but then you start to think well maybe not. However, I do think the end of the movie is kind of bleh. It was for me anyways. Can't say more cause it would ruin the fun for others.
That all being said I will buy this on blu as I did have a good time with the movie.
I'd say my rating for this would be 7-7.5/10
I will try harder next time I promise.
I swear.