Glad you liked it!
Yeah, it was good. I did enjoy it if that didn't come through in my post incase anyone is thinking that. My nitpick is the same as DC said on the end. I loved the world they created and thought it was really fun.
Glad you liked it!
They are trashing it 'cause it's the 'thing to do', people can't just go to a ****ing movie anymore and let go for two hours. Like Nash said, Sheep.
LOL that you listen to rottentomatoes reviews. stop being a sheep and find out for yourself.
I would say it's equally if not more popular for people to trash critics and write them off as if they aren't really people like you and I watching movies with an opinion. If people listen to critics because past experiences have proven they tend to agree with critics, and they decide based on reviews that they don't want to spend their money on said film now, why does that make them a sheep? Sounds like a smart person to me. Like I said in the other thread. Not everyone defines entertainment as brain dead eye rapeage.
Honestly, I am surprised at the hate. I can the very worst...this movie not being everybody's cup of tea.
But suck?
The only thing that makes me think this movie might suck is that The Josh likes it.
Are you referring to "Sucker Punch" as "brain dead eye rapeage"?
Yes I am...
Mind if I ask what you base that opinion on?
Well I don't think anyone would want to see nasty fat unsexy girls blowing stuff up.
Cuz it's his opinion. That's why. I saw it and I thought it was very artistic. Not my kind of movie tho
I dont care. That movie is one of the best rise and fall stories ever told. It's greatness.
A movie called Sucker Punch.
Edit: I should clarify and say half to three quarters of the movie before I left.