What difference does that make? Probably a good thing he had a gun on himdid he have the gun on him or did he run to his car?
Kid was armed with skittles, dont ever underestimate an armed american when free candy is on offer,and the jury must all have a sweettooth too !
Well put!!!But you simplified things a bit to much...
Zimmerman should have stayed by his car sure... But if his neighborhood was getting robbed a lot and I can see being upset..
Following someone is not a crime.
Beating someone up is.
Florida Law says you can stand your ground and protect yourself.
Zimmerman got the snot knocked out of him.
Martin got shot.
If you watched the case at all there was not enough to convict him.. The prosecution witnesses looked like witnesses for the defendant.
All the evidence seemed to point to Zimmerman's story being true.
The Press tuned this into a case that really should have been not even a blip on the radar but they tried making it about race. Some even tried calling Zimmerman a "white" Hispanic.
I hope the media learns something from this.. But they didn't with the Duke Lacrosse team so I sure they wont with this.
2 punches....wheres the limit,he initiated it by putting a gun in his belt leaving his house and going looking for someone to prove his masculinity against.......i would be with you if trevon pulled his pants down and started really demasculating this fat boy......but he did no such thing.....a bloody nose?
If you think you are being followed on a dark night you don't have to turn around and beat the crap out of someone..
Where do you get two punches from... I thought there was not really any witnesses.
There are photos of Zimmerman's head cut open and nose broke..
I love how people think all cops are super duper trained. Look up some cop videos on youtube. You will see things that will make you shake your head.
That you can get boatloads of money when millions of people watch supposedly legitimate journalists engaging in round the clock coverage of some court case that barely warrants a passing mention in the grand scheme of things? Oh, I think they learned their lesson quite well. Just a matter of time before CNN and the others completely Nancy Gracify themselves. It's what the people want.I hope the media learns something from this..
It's late at night.. Mods are asleep.. We got six more hours of this....Weeeeeeeeeeee!!
If you think you are being followed on a dark night you don't have to turn around and beat the crap out of someone..
Where do you get two punches from... I thought there was not really any witnesses.
There are photos of Zimmerman's head cut open and nose broke..
I don't really have any stake in this case, nor any bias...but I don't know...if someone was following you for a while, and you have the ability to fight, eh...flight or fight kind of thing.
Just don't follow people, and no one on either side will get hurt.![]()
I swear this just happened to me about an hour ago. I was on my way home from the movies. The same vehicle followed me almost the whole way home. Pulled into my same development. I actually didn't go home, went up a couple streets and doubled back when they turned. I didn't lay in wait for them. I know these things happen sometime. If I felt I was being followed I would have called the police. Martin had a phone. Instead of calling his girlfriend he should have called the police.I don't really have any stake in this case, nor any bias...but I don't know...if someone was following you for a while, and you have the ability to fight, eh...flight or fight kind of thing.
Just don't follow people, and no one on either side will get hurt.![]()
That you can get boatloads of money when millions of people watch supposedly legitimate journalists engaging in round the clock coverage of some court case that barely warrants a passing mention in the grand scheme of things? Oh, I think they learned their lesson quite well. Just a matter of time before CNN and the others completely Nancy Gracify themselves. It's what the people want.
And now Zimmerman will make hundreds of thousands of dollars letting a ghost writer pen a book about this and selling the rights for a movie.