ZKULPTOR/Rainman project [BTTF Marty Mcfly]

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I'm just happy that I can resist :clap
So proud of me ahah

I'm proud of you bud! Wish I could be proud of myself! :lol

$800 for a fullset? what else comes with that? painted? body/hands? seems like a steep jump, so I am just curious what extras it got you.

Must admit, finding it hard to justify the price on this one too as no bonus item?

Perhaps rainman can clarify.
Must admit, finding it hard to justify the price on this one too as no bonus item?

Perhaps rainman can clarify.[/QUOTE]

I was just wondering the same thing
what else comes with that? painted? body/hands?

Slim body, head painted by Rainman, and the usual full set box and packaging. No secret item for this one.

I know Erik said that his heads would be available through him also. Any word on pricing for those?
Think I may try for a clothing an HS set and cancel my fullset if I get one.

Unless rainman adds a bonus item like usual.

Thanks Wor-Gar! :clap

Are you trying for a set?

Well, money's tight this time of year (been tight all year for me really) and I wasn't prepared for this nice surprise...so I'm not sure yet I can swing anything but if so I may try for at least clothing set. It's too good of work for this figure...and I would never be able to bash this outfit in its entirety and ever be happy with it knowing Rainman's exists. So at least I'd have the clothing ready, then later get a sculpt from Sosa and have it painted.
Well, money's tight this time of year (been tight all year for me really) and I wasn't prepared for this nice surprise...so I'm not sure yet I can swing anything but if so I may try for at least clothing set. It's too good of work for this figure...and I would never be able to bash this outfit in its entirety and ever be happy with it knowing Rainman's exists. So at least I'd have the clothing ready, then later get a sculpt from Sosa and have it painted.

I agree with ll of that and am gonna try my darndest to nab a set tomorrow.

That's basically a $300 paint job he's charging. Not worth it IMO.

I think the included Slim body, which can be difficult to find at times (especially twenty of them), may be more of the price difference.
who knows how much the 20 Slims were in Korea, how difficult to obtain or expensive they were for RM was my only point. But it's not just the body and paint, it's the incidentals you don't often consider, packaging, assembly, increased shipping, of course talent and time, and yes, exclusivity that you are paying extra for. Whether it's worth it to each person varies naturally.

adding a secret item after it was said there wouldn't be one is not a good idea. I'm sure some decided not to get the full set because they were told that.
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