I agree a special item would be nice for those that bought the full set. What would you guys have in mind? Camcorder? 

You have to register in order to go on his site.
In order to become a VIP you have to have placed a number of orders with rainman and be a repeat customer. He may have stopped issuing 'vip' status now though as there are a lot of us. Not sure though.
No I already factored that one in. I got a slim for $50. $445+50=$495
That's how I calculate it.
Thing is, we arent talking bout loose slim bodies parted out from Sweeney Todd. Rainman is getting the original caucasian slim body TTM 09 that was originally released during 2009 and are quite scarce nowadays.
What's the reason for getting the original vs parted out?
That's basically a $300 paint job he's charging. Not worth it IMO.
Agreed. Seriously what's the difference? There is none.
And also, how do you so confidently know he is getting 20 of the TTM 09??
My whole point is just that it's not worth the extra money he's charging for the whole set to me. But if you feel it's worth it then fine. I don't care.
If you think its not worth the money, its fine. But please be considerate to the artists involved as it may come across as rude to them.
Would you walk to an art exhibition and starts yelling out loud that the art pieces that are for sale are not worth the price because you know how much the paints, brushes and blank canvases cost at the art shop?
There is also the serious amount of skill that has gone into the number of accessories with Marty
I can't remember a release where we got that many intricate accessories?
Also that is a shed load of clothing with Marty?
All adds up
As it stands all your paying extra for is the paintjob and the body with pegs and hands,there is not even an extra item for the fullset!I understand the artist makes the price, but when you look at what other artists charge for paintjobs I can't help but feel he's overcharging and I'm not concerned about hurting his feeling either way Rainmans laughing all the way to the bank because fanboys will buy the full set no matter what.
It is what it is. Supposedly the full set sold out to "VIP"s anyway, so it seems to be a moot point. Personally, I wouldn't be so interested in the full set because it isn't a full Rainman figure (since he didn't sculpt the head). Nothing against ZKULPTOR, his sculpt is fantastic, but if I'm not getting a full piece of Rainman art I'm happy with saving a few hundred $$ and picking up a clothing/head set that I can put together myself. The exclusive accessories aren't a huge draw to me anyway. But, I can understand why others would be willing to pay that premium for Rainman's paintwork alone. It is something to behold.
That's basically a $300 paint job he's charging. Not worth it IMO.
Slim body is probably worth between $60-80.
It's not that, its that the parted out Sweeney does not come with pegs, hands and feet etc