Zodiac Killer's Identity And Weapon Uncovered?

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Super Freak
Nov 13, 2007
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Hobbs, NM
If this is the wrong board for this, I apologize, but I didn't see it posed anywhere, and this is sorta, ya know... big news...


SACRAMENTO (CBS13) ― The Zodiac Killer attacked at least eight people, terrorizing the Bay Area and taunting police in the 60's and 70's. Thursday, the FBI confirmed to CBS13 they are now running laboratory tests on some items that may link a suspect to the killer.

The evidence was given to the FBI by a ******* Pines man who also claims he recently found the disguise worn by the Zodiac Killer during one of his attacks.

"The identity of the Zodiac Killer is Jack Tarrance. He's my stepfather," says Dennis Kaufman.

Eight years of Dennis Kaufman's life has been consumed with attempting to prove the only father he's known since he was five-years-old is none other than the Zodiac Killer.

"This a handwriting comparison I did," says Kaufman, showing handwriting samples claiming to be his father's and the Zodiac Killer's, which bear a striking similarity. Similarities Dennis says are no coincidence.

"The composite is a dead ringer," says Kaufman, showing composite sketch of the killer next to his stepfather's -- a resemblance that is undeniable between pictures of Jack Tarrance and descriptions of the zodiac.

Dennis also claims his stepfather, in a taped phone conversation, indirectly admitted being the zodiac killer.

"If I wrote a book and said I think my stepfather is the Zodiac Killer they wouldn't believe me," says Kaufman.

Jack Tarrance died in 2006. Dennis claims that while going through Tarrance's belongings, there were disturbing findings including a knife still covered with what could possibly be dried blood.

"It could be a knife he barbecued with or a knife he murdered someone with," says Kaufman.

Jack also left behind rolls of undeveloped film. Dennis plans to hand over the film to the FBI. On one of the rolls Dennis did develop, there were numerous gruesome images.

"Appeared to be people who were murdered," explains Dennis.

Just recently, Dennis remembered his stepfather asking him several times about the old PA system which led Dennis to take it apart.

"When I first opened it up that did affect me. My heart skipped a couple of beats when I saw it," he says.

The material folded and tucked inside, Dennis believes, may unmask the zodiac killer.

"It was a black hood with a zodiac on it," Dennis explains.

Dennis holds up a black hood with the zodiac sign on it. It's similar to the hood worn during the vicious 1968 Lake Berryessa attack, which is the possible key evidence connecting his stepfather to the killings. He also believes there are dozens more victims which were never linked to the Zodiac, including Dennis' own mother who, he claims, was suffocated.

"She sat there and told me Jack was trying to kill her and I didn't listen. I can only imagine how she felt. Imagine how scary that would be. That is what kept me going this whole time," says Dennis.

The FBI confirmed they are running DNA tests on items that Dennis gave them.

Dennis says there are postage stamps sent to him by his stepfather. Authorities are trying to get DNA profile of Jack Tarrance to compare to A DNA profile of the Zodiac Killer. The FBI told CBS13 they could get those results back any day.

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I know Arthur Leigh Allen has been the FBI's main suspect for years. It'll be interesting to see what the DNA tests turn up on this guy. I hope this isn't just another Bigfoot hoax.
The way it's coming out makes it seem like a hoax. He's certainly getting his 15 mins. though.
wow...that's pretty interesting. i always figured that they would find the Zodiac after he finally died. people like that usually have something hidden somewhere.
The way it's coming out makes it seem like a hoax. He's certainly getting his 15 mins. though.

Yeah it does seem that way, he obviously contacted the news network before he contacted the FBI other wise they would've confiscated the knife and hood.

It'll be interesting to hear how this pans out, keep us posted.
Yeah it does seem that way, he obviously contacted the news network before he contacted the FBI other wise they would've confiscated the knife and hood.

It'll be interesting to hear how this pans out, keep us posted.

actually, according to the video he handed over to the FBI a developed film already.

I don't think this is a hoax.
Maybe the stepdad hated this guy and this was a final prank to make his stepson look like an idiot. :dunno
******* Pines is meth city though there are a number of LEOs that live up there. It is quite pretty with a good sized lake and camping. It's located on hwy 50 going east to Lake Tahoe. I'll check today and see if someone has better info or has contact with this guy. Also that did not look like the local Sac 13 news, might be from SF.
I grew up in SF and was in grade school when the Zodiac was active. Whenever an attack took place the media would go crazy, newspapers, radio, TV. Zodiac was kind of the Boogeyman, he was everywhere and nowhere. Not that I woke up screaming in the middle of the night or anything, but it was creepy, even to a 7 yr old kid.

The movie captured the feel of the times pretty well, even the radio DJs and commericals were authentic.
actually, according to the video he handed over to the FBI a developed film already.

I don't think this is a hoax.

Didn't they also show the film canisters he handed over to the FBI in that footage?
Strange that the FBI would do testing on the knife without taking the actual knife.
The whole thing seems fishy to me. I say he contacted the news network first.
It seems like a fraud to me. Why on Earth would the FBI leave evidence behind for him to show off to the press?