1/6 Hot Toys - Infinity War - Iron Man

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It didn’t have that look in the movie either. More like a second skin. For the way it looked on film HT did a pretty damn good job of replicating it.

I agree and I actually like the second skin look. That made it stand out and look unique compared to the other Iron Man armors. This is my first Iron Man figure.
Hot Toys sent them one early to show off. Just like car magazines get to drive a new model car months before it goes on sale. They did the same with Thanos a while back but still waiting :impatient:
I don't get how Sideshow does a review for this figure yet they don't even have him in stock yet. What gives?

Hot Toys sent them one early to show off. Just like car magazines get to drive a new model car months before it goes on sale. They did the same with Thanos a while back but still waiting :impatient:

It's also a good way to get people excited about the figures in general (assuming they come out great) and potentially increase sales. I think that's why Sideshow started doing those advanced reviews.
good review, but have to honestly say i kinda cringe every time he says "mark el" :slap
Looks like a mutated lobster wasp with all them attachments on ugh. Without all of that he looks decent.
Damn, this shot alone is almost enough to make me order this....

But then I remember what a pain it is to switch on all the lights on these things. Lol

Anyone else hate that god awful second bend at the waist? Figure looks good in a lot shots and all but man any time i see that new gap they added..instantly drawn out. Eyes immediately go to it. I guess it was for more articulation but ouf.
I'm thinking if we do see those, they'll be reworked and released as Endgame figures instead.

Probably, but I didn’t even think these characters will have a big part in endgame? But I can see hot Toys just milking the final movie :/

Leg gaps are a little jarring too. Lol honestly not sure if I like this guy or not. Im split down the middle hah. Cant wait to see endgame reveal and compare
Are the guns the figure comes with interchangeable between left and right arms or are they only meant to be used the way they show it?

The reason I ask (And this has probably been brought up before) is because the full hand blaster he threatened Drax with was used on the opposite arm than they have it on the figure... Not a deal breaker because once I get the accessory set it will go back in the box and probably stay there.
I want to see some more video/ non-photoshop pictures. This still looks too much like a toy to me. It doesn't look metallic, but a red painted car bumper.
View attachment 448794

Leg gaps are a little jarring too. Lol honestly not sure if I like this guy or not. Im split down the middle hah. Cant wait to see endgame reveal and compare

Yeah this is one of those armor that will look great in neutral pose but will look unsightlyin dynamic poses because of the gaps. There’s no way around it though because of the organic design of the armor. Gonna wait for endgame but my money will probably go to mark vii & wm.