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The falcon & WS show hopefully is great. They did say like you said these shows will have big budgets. Can’t wait.
Seb's really been branching out with the movies he's done lately, from comedy to dramatic to a solid mix of both. I think, and hope, they're going to give a lot for him to work with for the WS and Falcon show - the execs have to see by now just how popular Bucky is, how rich his character history is, and hopefully that'll mean the writers give Seb some great content to work with. Everyone who's worked with Seb gushes about his talent, so hopefully this is the chance to showcase that with Bucky. It's probably one of the reasons why they gave Bucky and Sam a show to begin with: flesh them out as characters, give MackieStan good content to work with.
I honestly would have preferred a solo bucky show even though I do like falcon. If I remember correctly, after he returned in the comics he worked with Nick Fury to mop up Hydra/AIM remnants. Would have loved to see that story covered with the spy thriller vibe of TWS.
I honestly would have preferred a solo bucky show even though I do like falcon. If I remember correctly, after he returned in the comics he worked with Nick Fury to mop up Hydra/AIM remnants. Would have loved to see that story covered with the spy thriller vibe of TWS.

This is precisely how I felt after seeing the movie, but
ended up agreeing with their take ultimately, in that this current iteration of Bucky is still so damaged and probably violence-abhorring, to a certain extent, that it wouldn't be as triumphant as it is for Sam, the career soldier without a dark past, to take the name. Comics Bucky is considerably "healthier" than movie Bucky when the time comes for somebody to take over Captain's name, at least imho; arguments could be made other ways. But I do totally agree with the feeling, re: wanting to comics-style Bucky working with Fury, etc.
I honestly would have preferred a solo bucky show even though I do like falcon. If I remember correctly, after he returned in the comics he worked with Nick Fury to mop up Hydra/AIM remnants. Would have loved to see that story covered with the spy thriller vibe of TWS.

I came up with an idea similar to this a couple of months ago, with Bucky and Falcon raiding a reemerging hydra led by Zemo (from CW). As Bucky and Falcon raid unassuming warehouses teaming with Hydra, Zemo uses his newfound 'legitimate' influences to get Punisher on the job to defeat Buck/Falcon.
I came up with an idea similar to this a couple of months ago, with Bucky and Falcon raiding a reemerging hydra led by Zemo (from CW). .

:goodpost: I'd definitely be up for Zemo's return.

Re: Bucky and the mantle
I do still feel they messed that one up. Aside from the obvious, falcon isn't a super soldier or any derivative there of...

IMO the dark past makes Bucky the perfect choice for Cap.

1)Cap would have wanted him to find his place in the world and Bucky wants to leave behind his past.

2) It gives his character true internal conflict: "Do I deserve this mantle? Do I deserve this shield? Does it really always have to end in fight? Is this the way forward?"

3)A perfect built in enemy: Hydra. He has both personal and world saving reasons to go after their remnants. How will he keep the part of himself that's more than capable of getting that revenge separate from the responsibility of being Captain America?

4)perfect foreshadowing through the MCU of him utilizing
the shield.

5) if you want to pass the mantle to Sam later you can satisfyingly conclude Bucky's arc with a sacrifice.

What's left to explore with Sam? What conflict internal or otherwise?

He's a good dude with no powers. No skeletons in the closet and super soldier sidekick that can bail him out whenever needed. Yeah he became cap in the comics later on, but that was after Bucky had already carried the shield...

:gah: I'm really bummed they fumbled that one.
Seb's really been branching out with the movies he's done lately, from comedy to dramatic to a solid mix of both. I think, and hope, they're going to give a lot for him to work with for the WS and Falcon show - the execs have to see by now just how popular Bucky is, how rich his character history is, and hopefully that'll mean the writers give Seb some great content to work with. Everyone who's worked with Seb gushes about his talent, so hopefully this is the chance to showcase that with Bucky. It's probably one of the reasons why they gave Bucky and Sam a show to begin with: flesh them out as characters, give MackieStan good content to work with.

Too lazy to try to dig for i but whatever I saw or read from Feige - far as I can tell Disney wants to keep the dollars rolling in. Which a WS/Falcon movie could've done, sure - or Loki etc. but whatever has lead Disney to deciding to jump into the subscription market - must've been a !EUREKA! moment for the Disney planners.

You've got hugely popular characters optioned, sure, but by default Spiderman is probably gonna be a safer bet to make a film with (e.g., box office profit). I don't mean "better" movies etc., I just mean Spiderman is one of the TOP, most recognizable and popular characters in the world. On top of that, you just got the X-men back, and while I'm not a big X-men fan get the feeling Xmen fans are still waiting for that "ultimate" movie (except for Hugh Jackman).

It's a pretty good thing plus more time w. the TV series but still think some stuff in IW and EG could've been handled WAY better. :gah:

Course that's true of characters that didn't even make an appearance, or others who IMO could've been highlighted more:(. Like in IW I would've love just a small moment - just a small one - of M'baku making the decision to stand by T'challa. IMO there are so many details - like Nat and Banner having a conversation in the IW trailer - that just didn't show up.:(

But I guess for a worldwide audience who may or may not even have seen other MCU movies - at least not all of them - plus translating to other languages - they kept stuff simple, more or less. Not sure that's the right word.

I just hope Stan's, Mackie's, Olsen's, Hiddleston's, etc. agents are really squeezing Disney re contract re-negotiations:cool:; these people work so hard; months at the gym, show up for reshoots - they earn every penny. (Course you don't want to be like Terrance Howard either who got himself fired, apparently, over $$$$$:horror)
Poor Terrance...I watched Iron Man the other day when it was on TV and, man, he WAS Rhodey...the dynamic between him and Tony seemed genuine whereas I feel like it's lacking with Cheadle...oh well, what can you do now.
Poor Terrance...I watched Iron Man the other day when it was on TV and, man, he WAS Rhodey...the dynamic between him and Tony seemed genuine whereas I feel like it's lacking with Cheadle...oh well, what can you do now.
I agree and watching iron-man 2 after that makes there interaction together feel pushed at the beginning of the film. But like there interaction at the end of 2 better.

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:goodpost: I'd definitely be up for Zemo's return.

Re: Bucky and the mantle
I do still feel they messed that one up. Aside from the obvious he isn't a super soldier or any derivative there of...

IMO the dark past makes Bucky the perfect choice for Cap.

1)Cap would have wanted him to find his place in the world and Bucky wants to leave behind his past.

2) It gives his character true internal conflict: "Do I deserve this mantle? Do I deserve this shield? Does it really always have to end in fight? Is this the way forward?"

3)A perfect built in enemy: Hydra. He has both personal and world saving reasons to go after their remnants. How will he keep the part of himself that's more than capable of getting that revenge separate from the responsibility of being Captain America?

4)perfect foreshadowing through the MCU of him utilizing
the shield.

5) if you want to pass the mantle to Sam later you can satisfyingly conclude Bucky's arc with a sacrifice.

What's left to explore with Sam? What conflict internal or otherwise?

He's a good dude with no powers. No skeletons in the closet and super soldier sidekick that can bail him out whenever needed. Yeah he became cap in the comics later on, but that was after Bucky had already carried the shield...

:gah: I'm really bummed they fumbled that one.

On a total side note:cool:, I would've loved - and int the comics it's Vasily Karpov - to have some villain say to Cap or Fury or other "“You and the Germans, you have your super- soldiers, your secret weapons... but we Russians, we have nothing but our winter.”

Always liked the bleakness of that as for me it kinda ties into why Hydra would be so brutal and desperate to make someone like Bucky and his "brothers and sisters".


Agree with everything you say plus, depending where the world was at - if I had been writing Infinity War I would've been less focused on *statistically* leaving original Avengers still standing. That kinda always bothered me, because if u dust 50% it would've been more random.

I would've dusted Cap temporarily. I would've done the war-torn refugee thing, with a lot more of Thanos' minions running around; more of an aliens invasion thing.

Bucky is persuaded to take the shield because If the world is in chaos, who really cares if this possible assassin (since his history and records are murky anyway) killed some "rich politicians" in the past? He's picked up his brother's shield and is carrying on the fight. Etc. Could've had a dark stealth uniform, dark shield and been a mesmerizing Cap.

Re the real actual EG - I kind've have mixed feelings. There's a case for both Falcon and Bucky taking the shield. Previous movies seem to really be leading up to that. But as a viewer - the stealthy White Wolf or WS can do more interesting things in the shadows - don't mean fighting necessarily. Captain America HAS to be a symbol. His time isn't his own. Bucky's more free to move about; have an interesting group of friends who may exist in a kind've gray area legally, and so on.

Tho I don't know how they are gonna get around Falcon not being a super-soldier. Cap and Bucky have had some terrible beatings and lived. Maybe that's the beginning of the show - Sam's in situation where he's gonna NEED someone enhanced.:dunno

The writers have said they felt Stan would be "wasted" as Captain America - he's too cool as is, etc. That's what Sebastian Stan gets for doing a good job, I guess.:google

And I think Mackie will make a fine Captain America. REALLY looking forward to these shows!:drool
Poor Terrance...I watched Iron Man the other day when it was on TV and, man, he WAS Rhodey...the dynamic between him and Tony seemed genuine whereas I feel like it's lacking with Cheadle...oh well, what can you do now.

The last 2 films tho I REALLY like Cheadle tho. Yeah, Terrance was great but then again - dunno how he was on set but seems like from what I've read, any actor/actress with a diva attitude eventually becomes a real pain in the *ss.

He's doin' alright with Empire series. Small world - the writer for Empire, Malcom Spelling, was picked as the writer for the Falcon/WS series. Good stuff - IMO a lot hinges on the scripts.
Wow, I‘m away for 3 days and so many new posts :D
The Bucky love is strong, that‘s awesome :)

I hope the reason why this fig takes so long isn‘t his dusty arm, haha. But I‘m really curious to see that thing in hand.
Re: Bucky and the mantle
I do still feel they messed that one up. Aside from the obvious, falcon isn't a super soldier or any derivative there of...

IMO the dark past makes Bucky the perfect choice for Cap.

1)Cap would have wanted him to find his place in the world and Bucky wants to leave behind his past.

2) It gives his character true internal conflict: "Do I deserve this mantle? Do I deserve this shield? Does it really always have to end in fight? Is this the way forward?"

3)A perfect built in enemy: Hydra. He has both personal and world saving reasons to go after their remnants. How will he keep the part of himself that's more than capable of getting that revenge separate from the responsibility of being Captain America?

4)perfect foreshadowing through the MCU of him utilizing
the shield.

5) if you want to pass the mantle to Sam later you can satisfyingly conclude Bucky's arc with a sacrifice.

What's left to explore with Sam? What conflict internal or otherwise?

He's a good dude with no powers. No skeletons in the closet and super soldier sidekick that can bail him out whenever needed. Yeah he became cap in the comics later on, but that was after Bucky had already carried the shield...

:gah: I'm really bummed they fumbled that one.

A lot of your reasoning is similar to mine, especially the first point and the sentence above it. I'm still super bummed about that choice. When I saw the movie the first time, that actually hurt the ending for me.

Poor Terrance...I watched Iron Man the other day when it was on TV and, man, he WAS Rhodey...the dynamic between him and Tony seemed genuine whereas I feel like it's lacking with Cheadle...oh well, what can you do now.

Yeah, regardless of the circumstances surrounding his recasting, for me, even to this DAY, I still prefer Terrance Howard Rhodey. Every time I rewatch the first Iron Man film, I remember why I preferred him so strongly - the dynamic between he and Tony felt SO much more genuine to me. Howard is charismatic, and brought the "long suffering BFF of Tony" element more strongly than Cheadle. Iron Man 2 put me off Rhodey for a while because Cheadle's performance seemed stiffer and their dynamic wasn't as compelling to me, so it hurt the conflict with them in the movie. I still feel like I'm missing something special with Howard not being in that role in the later movies, especially EG. Though I've come to not dislike Cheadle.

I still want a Terrance Howard sculpt for War Machine.
Wow, I‘m away for 3 days and so many new posts :D
The Bucky love is strong, that‘s awesome :)

I hope the reason why this fig takes so long isn‘t his dusty arm, haha. But I‘m really curious to see that thing in hand.

Weeeeellll - I was in my SSC account and he's listed as shipping I guess August-September. Not like IW was last year or anything.:(

Suppose Shuri is gonna be a wait, too. IMO they should ditch the arm - it's an effect that just isn't working. I'd rather have had an Outrider torso - or an entire Outrider, really.
Sam was clearly the right choice for the new Captain America and I’m a Bucky fanatic. No doubt about that for me about his choice.
I guess he‘s frozen again ��
Come on, HT, we are waiting :)
Is he the only one left from IW?

Well, Shuri too, tho I guess she is BP. Tho I would rather have a long wait than one of HT's "new production" softer looking sculpts - but oh, well, I stashed some spare CW sculpts, and guess I will have to learn doing decent rooted hair in a hurry, worst case.

SSC is charging payments for my Bucky PO, so guess he is coming. Eventually. It's like Ragnarok Loki - the wait is so long I forget he's on order.

I bet HT shows off Bucky & co. at Comic Con in July, but the little sign labels won't say "PO and wait 3 years":monkey3

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