The real tragedy of Hulk is the fact that the damage was done to him in the two biggest films ever. How does one overcome such irreparable damage to one's reputation and image. Even if they make a new Hulk film and he's an unstoppable monster, that film will never reach the same level of people of IW/ED. A generation will remember Hulk as the foolish coward that thought he could beat Thanos, only to be embarrassed, and retreat in fear forever. People will think of him as the guy who was one shot by the bald ancient lady. What's so incredible about him? He now wears glasses and looks like a hipster dork. I see those everyday. He ain't even the only green person anymore in the MCU, and certainly not the strongest there is anymore. "We have a Hulk" meant something. It meant infinite power and an unstoppable force.Now, in the biggest film ever, it just means an infinite amount of tacos from a green guy that acts like Rex from Toy Story. Even Hopeman and the embarrassing treatment of Batflleck in JL aren't as bad because that film bombed. Hulk will forever be a joke in the biggest movie franchise ever and the biggest film in movie history.

20 years from now when today's kids are grown up and making movies based off of what inspired them as children the MCU will be fully rebooted with a new Hulk and the tagline "Every generation has a coward..."