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If they turned 3PO into the Terminator and Rose into a flesh eating zombie I wouldn't mind. It would be more compelling than the saga of Reylo...

Holy **** The Mandalorian had better be good!

If they cast the sad Rose actress on Walking Dead I might actually watch that show again. I would love to see her mauled by zombies.

They’d probly mess it up though. That show could **** up a free lunch.
But the point is, Rey has been such a blank canvas/empty vessel from the start, who she is and what her journey is supposed to be, that these kinds of stupid theories are just as plausible as anything else.

I mean is this any less stupid, random and insipid than what appears to be her parentage if the leaks are true (and it's become pretty clear they are)?

She's an exact carbon copy of Luke in every way (right down to more minor stuff like costume and home planet, Not-tooine) except the way that matters most: a compelling journey and reason for being. The fact that she's female and Luke was male is ultimately meaningless in this regard - yet the filmmakers seem to have thought changing the gender rendered her as totally new.

Oh I know. I just needed to shout that at the sky. :lol
This from Esquire Magazine no less. Explains why Rey has been such a sizzler of a character.:lol They could have used a moving cardboard standee for Shmi and she would have had as much emotional punch in the PT.

This also shows how out-there and random the ST has been in terms of clarity of a main character's journey. That people can think she's the time-travelling mother of Anakin... compare this and the other bizarre, silly theories to the burning on-point questions people had between ESB and ROTJ.


Honestly..... I like this theory but it's stupid cause why would rey live the rest of her life as a slave only to die by tuskan raiders? makes no damn sense.
well, Todd Fisher revealed Today that Leia/Carrie was The Rise Of Skywalker.And how the Story had to be changed.

That story is so BS.

No one planned to have immobile Carrie as a Jedi warrior princess. Ever.

Its a little disgusting that Disney would even float such a terrible lie. First, are they promoting that the story they ended up with wasn't the one they really wanted? And second, did they really just use a dead lady to generate buzz?
No one should pay to see this movie... do disney and lucasfilm a favor and don?t show your support! Hit them where it hurts!! Look at gillete and Now Dark fate lolol

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Since Leia killed Jabba would?ve been awesome had they made Leia the secret kingpin of crime in the galaxy selling tons of cocaine and heroin and running slave camps all the while fighting for freedom which was just a cover to remain in control of the distribution of her business.

Luke could?ve been her enforcer lol

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Since Leia killed Jabba would?ve been awesome had they made Leia the secret kingpin of crime in the galaxy selling tons of cocaine and heroin and running slave camps all the while fighting for freedom which was just a cover to remain in control of the distribution of her business.

Luke could?ve been her enforcer lol

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Rose and Maz would have been her prime Ho's on the street too.
That story is so BS.

No one planned to have immobile Carrie as a Jedi warrior princess. Ever.

Its a little disgusting that Disney would even float such a terrible lie. First, are they promoting that the story they ended up with wasn't the one they really wanted? And second, did they really just use a dead lady to generate buzz?

From the leaks they kind of have it in there, so maybe he wasn't aware of what the kind of scope was for that idea. The way it might be in the movie is that it's a flashback where Luke and Leia are training after ROTJ.

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