And the first TNG figure officially announced is our favorite letter of the alphabet - "Q" !

True, but technically it’s the first figure from TOS we’re getting from EXO-6. The marketing does show it as being from the Mirror Universe line though.I don't get the sense Mirror Spock is meant to kick off the TOS line, but only the Mirror Universe line. But I can easily see why people might interpret it that way .
Hmm, gotta be honest and say I still kinda prefer the previous QMX sculpt. Seems a bit more realistic and caricaturish somehow.
But oh well, I'm still really looking forward to that new Exo figure.
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I see your point but I understand Nanjin's plan of not releasing all of the key characters early on and then having the line(s) simply fizzle out. From a financial perspective, the current plan seems to work out for both EXO-6 and collectors. The Kirks, Spocks, Picards, etc., will always be the big sellers, regardless of when released. Providing some of these 2nd tier(?) figures early on shows us that the lines will go deeper than just the bridge crews, for example. Just my take.I feel like with TOS and TNG the starting choices are a bit odd. Mirror Spock and Q. Both are iconic and memorable, but seem like they should be later.
Regardless though Q is looking good so far. I’ll probably get him.