**Beware SPOILERS** Obi-Wan Kenobi Series on Disney+ **Beware SPOILERS**

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Bail Organa's final lines of the series after Obi-Wan and Vader have several more extensive duels:

"I'm placing these redeemed Inquisitors in your care. Treat them well, clean them up, have the Sith Lord's mind wiped."

Hayden: "What?"
It is very comforting knowing I have the 4K77 disc nearby for any break glass for emergency situations lol
Actually, that was exactly in character for Obi at that point.

Obi Wan was never a model Jedi IMO. Even in TPM, he always questioned his master. At the end of the first movie, he went against the council's wishes. And throughout the rest of the prequels, he was never a good master to Anakin. He was following a flawed ethos and all of that came crashing down at Mustafar.

He shirked that duty to the council when he trained Anakin. He shirked his duty to Qui Gon when he failed to be a master to Anakin because of his own reluctance to train Anakin. At that exact moment, it was his duty to kill Anakin, and he shirked that duty too.
He couldn’t kill Anakin, who was at the end defenseless, so to kill him wouldn’t be “the Jedi way.” I think Anakin’s killing of Count Dooku, and his admission to Padme of this quote were meant to establish this.
He couldn’t kill Anakin, who was at the end defenseless, so to kill him wouldn’t be “the Jedi way.” I think Anakin’s killing of Count Dooku, and his admission to Padme of this quote were meant to establish this.
I don't think that would work as a reason because of what ZE_501has already said: it wasn't the merciful thing to do. There is also a big difference between this situation and Dooku.

Yes both was at the end of a duel, but Dooku only lost his hands but was otherwise uninjured. The correct move for Anakin here was to arrest him so he can stand trial (exactly as what Anakin said Windu should do to Palpatine).

For Anakin vs Obi Wan, Anakin lost his limbs and was being burned by lava. Leaving him alive would have been torture. If Obi Wan meant to leave him alive, then he should have captured him and brought him to stand trial (like what Anakin should have done with Dooku) or killed him outright (like he did with Grievous and Maul).

So it's either Obi Wan was a sadist, or he thought Anakin was good as dead. He just left Anakin there, writhing, burning and screaming:

Can someone remind me why Leia was kidnapped since Vader only realised she was Luke's sister in ROTJ?

Was it just because she's a senator's daughter?
Someone else already did that for us -- earlier in the thread. Explosion, impenetrable wall of lava, flames etc. forcing Obi Wan to retreat and having to presume Anakin dead. A little too convenient but it would have done the trick given the pulp origins of the films.

Alternatively Obi Wan could have wounded Anakin to the extent he did before being forced to retreat by a large Clone force arriving -- he was alone after all. There's no real issue with Obi Wan and Yoda being aware that not only are they beaten but that their failure is complete, with a badly wounded Anakin presumed rescued and in the Emperor's clutches.
The latter would have been better because it would line up with what Ghost Obi-Wan says in ROTJ about them hiding Luke and Leia ''from their father'' when they were born. Ergo they should have known Anakin was still alive and in the hands of Palpatine by the end of ROTS.

Of course what also would have been better is if the chronology of events had allowed for Anakin at some point talking about his hopes for Luke and wanting to bequeath his Lightsaber to him and if Padme didn't die in ROTS and was herself in hiding - at least for a time - alongside Leia.
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I was definitely either on my phone or just zoned out from seeing her on screen at this point 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

It's not surprising.

It's not the best written dialogue. :lol

(After Aphra was mentioned yesterday I started to read the comics she featured in, and couldn't believe how corny the dialogue was there too).
It's mad - she just makes me cringe. Cool looking GI gets my attention.

Whenever Ewan is on screen, he grabs your attention, because you can see and feel pain and history on his face. Where's my DX set Hot Toys?
That has to be one of the lonnggggest fights in cinema history but I always wondered why they didn't just have the duel, have Ben eventually win, then have him leave, believing Anakin was 100% dead (even though he wasn't.)

GL was constantly saying "the movies are for kids" (esp the PT) and yet that scene resembles the brutal fight at the end of "The Northman." (also in a volcano)

And ends with Ben watching Anakin slowly get burned alive and then walking away with Aankin screaming in the background. My initial reaction was - "not my Ben Kenobi." 😬

Also "I left him for dead" doesn't quite equate to "I believed he was dead and I'm shocked he's still alive" Like if Ben saw Anakin die - or what he believed was his death - then it would have been clearer.

As it is, even though Anakin is clearly badly burnt, he's most certainly not dead as Ben leaves, especially given Anakin is not exactly a "normal person" in terms of superhuman powers to help him survive.
A fairly long reach here.... But according to some books, Vader was only alive because he willed himself to live, otherwise he would have died there at Mustafar after the fight. His hate for Kenobi kept him alive up until the Emperor got to him. If I recall correctly, the Emperor only saved him too because he was impressed by Anakin's use of the dark side of the force to keep himself alive.

So maybe Ben did think he was good as dead.


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