Just watched episode 1 and damn, this episode felt more in line with BoBF than Mando S1 and 2. I’ll still give it a chance to improve but bloody hell, that was a rough start.
For me, nah.
More or less what I expected, in that the Mando episode in Boba was kinda bleak, at the start. Hero's journey and he's at a low point - wounded, an ancient weapon he doesn't want, no ship, no child, and then no identity. But he starts rebuilding, with the help of "lowly" friends he's made. He doesn't get help from the very "family" he swore loyalty to, but from random strangers (which is interesting). Not to mention, that same family historically blew off Mandalore, then and now. So who is more "Mandalorian"?
So this episode was putting the pieces on the board. Like, it's good he told the other Mandalorians what he was doing (and, assuming the other Mandalorians are remnants that fled the slaughter on Nevarro, it was great to see them in DAYLIGHT for the first time). Better than down the road, Din D'jarin just showing up and saying, "hey, I retook Mandalore with my new buddies, and I'm king now, yah? And BTW, do what I say or my Mythosaur will eat your heads rolling in the sand that I took with this really cool lightsaber, helmets and all. Also, my bro Boba is gonna turn your cave into a smoking crater we'll fill with water later and turn into an indoor spa".
And personally I'm glad Grogu is with him. Was never happy about the Luke insert so early in the series. Lol bad baby.

IMO there's some nice continuity touches like the thriving Navarro vs. the slummy streets while the Empire remnants were there. Empire=bad, Empire gone=happy rich people and street mimes.

The crocodile/ankylosaurus? was cool, rolling like a crocodile would (to tear off flesh); respect that the show is pulling from nature/prehistoric animals, so someone is doing their homework instead of random designs.
Only thing I find mild irritating is why the *&^% doesn't Mando go back to Arvala-7 and rummage around Kuiil's place for parts. Maybe the place would have been take over or stripped by now., but who knows. Like maybe Kuiil kept parts and backups.
^%$*. Show just started and I'm too involved.

I'm gonna get slapped again at some point, probably when another show is taken over by the unkillable Ahsoka just so Filoni can get her into the minds of the *general audience* and keep those Disney stockholders happy. But I will forgive all if Bill Burr makes a reappearance.