Super Freak
I'm not sure I wanna take the time for that...No? Watch 'Cool World'.
I'm not sure I wanna take the time for that...No? Watch 'Cool World'.
You might also be finding that "bias" on where you lay your hat. This new fandango thing called the internets has plenty 'Ole places to lay that hat. Not all those places have discussion in mind. I don't follow directors, actors, etc. Hell, I don't even follow bands I love. Don't get the love for Snyder, nor the hate. His movies are not terrible, but they also don't stick with me.Yeah, there's a lot of denial about this in my opinion as well. Each person that bashes it has their own conscience to reckon with regarding a possible Snyder hate bias and jumping on a groupthink bandwagon sort of phenomenon. Well, if they even care, lol. I'm sure most won't. But this is a "if the shoe fits" sort of thing. It's not for me to say what goes on in other people's minds. But I can detect a broad bias phenomenon out there for sure.
And people that love it have their own biases as well. I know I do! So how much am I unconsciously projecting? How much are haters unconsciously projecting? That's an open question to me. It's a percentage on both sides perhaps. But I think I can be relatively humble about it, though.
I'm pretty certain that by almost any other director today Rebel Moon would not be getting savaged in this way. It's almost impossible to say that there is an objective way to measure this sort of thing... no way I can think of that could give us strong consensus of reliable measure. But I will say that based on films I like that are widely regarded as well made and satisfying (see a short list of some of my favorite films here) Rebel Moon is actually a pretty damn good movie overall. So for the reasons that I appreciate those films, I appreciate Rebel Moon as well. Granted the films on that list are all mostly 10/10. Rebel Moon's PG-13 cut for me is... I dunno.. 7/10... maybe 7.5. Because of what it promises--if it delivers--I can even conceivably round it up to 8. But then again my bias is to view a film positively for whatever it has to offer.
Then you aren’t looking or refuse to look. As I said before the mcu is getting hammered and the flash movie got destroyed this year. Again there is no bias it’s just that you guys refuse to believe that the majority don’t like the filmBecause that is what I believe. Of course, people can not like movies. I'm not talking about the not liking of movies, I'm talking about the hate of movies.
I haven't seen anywhere near the same amount of vitriol for other original IP movies, not even close. As usual, happy to be proved wrong.
Erm… when did I say I hated the guy? SW the film today. Read what I just wrote. Movie started off strong but fell flat in the middle. It just wasn’t good. It wasn’t terrible or unwatchable but it wasn’t good either. So again no biasYou're here in a thread for a film you haven't seen by a filmmaker you hate. No bias?
Sheesh otomofan you are right. lolNo use arguing Wez.
Clearly anyone that has anything critical to say about this staggering masterpiece is just lying. They're lying to us and lying to themselves. The ONLY reason anyone could dislike this movie is cause they hate Zak Snyder.
It's personal. It's all clearly a personal grudge.
So sad that people let their hatred of a man make them miss out on the cinematic experience of a lifetime.
Noooooo I get what you’re saying and what I’m telling you there is no deep group think tribal thing going on here. It’s just a movie. lol. People watched it and thought it sucked. Are there sheeple? Yes. But even people who don’t hate Snyder and kept an open mind didn’t care for itOkay, it's just kind of circular from both of us at this point. When I respond I'm speaking to a broader possible audience. But clearly your mind is firmly made up! Peace, haha!
Damn well said. I don’t know where the “tribal think” stuff came from. Like seriously it’s a movie. If Snyder makes a good movie one day then great. But like I said the first part was very strong and engaging. But then I saw where people had issues with the film as it began to move at a snails paceif you have to construct conspiracy theories about reviewers bashing a film because they are following trends or engage in some sort of psychoanalysis to state that people not seeing the artistic genius of the film because they are following the crowd in some sort of group think yadda yadda then perhaps you should apply occams razor and just ask yourself if (rather than there being some sort of conspiracy against Snyder) the film just isn't great and you enjoy a movie that most folk don't. Most people not wanting icing sugar all over their steak doesn't mean that you cannot enjoy icing sugar on your steak if that is how you like it, you just need to admit that for most people steak is better without icing sugar overpowering the flavour. there isn't a consipracy by big bovine corp to lie to the population that icing sugar doesn't go well on steak.
I can admit I am biased. Snyder, like Cameron has made some of my all-time favorite movies. I always go out of my way to watch their content in the hope that more of their brilliance captivates me again.Yeah, there's a lot of denial about this in my opinion as well. Each person that bashes it has their own conscience to reckon with regarding a possible Snyder hate bias and jumping on a groupthink bandwagon sort of phenomenon. Well, if they even care, lol. I'm sure most won't. But this is a "if the shoe fits" sort of thing. It's not for me to say what goes on in other people's minds. But I can detect a broad bias phenomenon out there for sure.
And people that love it have their own biases as well. I know I do! So how much am I unconsciously projecting? How much are haters unconsciously projecting? That's an open question to me. It's a percentage on both sides perhaps. But I think I can be relatively humble about it, though.
I'm pretty certain that by almost any other director today Rebel Moon would not be getting savaged in this way. It's almost impossible to say that there is an objective way to measure this sort of thing... no way I can think of that could give us strong consensus of reliable measure. But I will say that based on films I like that are widely regarded as well made and satisfying (see a short list of some of my favorite films here) Rebel Moon is actually a pretty damn good movie overall. So for the reasons that I appreciate those films, I appreciate Rebel Moon as well. Granted the films on that list are all mostly 10/10. Rebel Moon's PG-13 cut for me is... I dunno.. 7/10... maybe 7.5. Because of what it promises--if it delivers--I can even conceivably round it up to 8. But then again my bias is to view a film positively for whatever it has to offer.
if you have to construct conspiracy theories about reviewers bashing a film because they are following trends or engage in some sort of psychoanalysis to state that people not seeing the artistic genius of the film because they are following the crowd in some sort of group think yadda yadda then perhaps you should apply occams razor and just ask yourself if (rather than there being some sort of conspiracy against Snyder) the film just isn't great and you enjoy a movie that most folk don't. Most people not wanting icing sugar all over their steak doesn't mean that you cannot enjoy icing sugar on your steak if that is how you like it, you just need to admit that for most people steak is better without icing sugar overpowering the flavour. there isn't a consipracy by big bovine corp to lie to the population that icing sugar doesn't go well on steak.
Huge IP franchises that have completely lost their audiences due to a severe drop in quality aren't even remotely similar to a brand new movie not linked to anything by the director you complain about every day.Then you aren’t looking or refuse to look. As I said before the mcu is getting hammered and the flash movie got destroyed this year. Again there is no bias it’s just that you guys refuse to believe that the majority don’t like the film
Look back at our 192 conversations this year about said topic.Erm… when did I say I hated the guy? SW the film today. Read what I just wrote. Movie started off strong but fell flat in the middle. It just wasn’t good. It wasn’t terrible or unwatchable but it wasn’t good either. So again no bias
What are you talking about? It is the same. So just cause it’s a huge ip and not new the new one doesn’t get to be criticized? Make it make sense! LolHuge IP franchises that have completely lost their audiences due to a severe drop in quality aren't even remotely similar to a brand new movie not linked to anything by the director you complain about every day.
Never did I say I hated him though I just said he’s a bad director and he’s not proving me wrong soooooLook back at our 192 conversations this year about said topic.
Good point!Also, remember how she knocked his teeth out in slo-mo when she delivered the death blow that knocked him off the tower? How come his corpse had all its teeth even before they reanimated him?
The old adage 'believe nothing you read and half of what you see' still applies, even moreso today.
I was at a beach house party many years ago and witnessed Vin's preference in person. I suppose you could say he's bi if that makes people feel better here.
How "in person" was it??
Fortunately not personal, merely observational...
It was a genius creative choice to have the teeth return as it is an artistic hint of the re-birth to come that subconsciously primes the audience for his return via magic that defies our preconceived notions of reality.Also, remember how she knocked his teeth out in slo-mo when she delivered the death blow that knocked him off the tower? How come his corpse had all its teeth even before they reanimated him?
It was a genius creative choice to have the teeth return as it is an artistic hint of the re-birth to come that subconsciously primes the audience for his return via magic that defies our preconceived notions of reality.
Or it was a continuity error because teeth being knocked out in slowmo and forgotten looks coooool.