Looks so real!

Its awesome.
I have seen this about 50 times now so about time to comment.
Looks brilliant , but like a few I'm not a fan of the drippy eye look , everything else though looks amazing. Les's recent post though really wow'd me.
I still prefer FMLes's paint apps to the joker figures than anyone elses.
Even after all this time of having it on order I still have no idea what Indy will actually look like.
Who are you talking about?
JC works for HT and Les's head is not the BR sculpt its his own
His own? I thought it was the DC direct?
actually les is a altered DCD sculpt.. but I'm sorry but les's work doesn't match up to JC's not to sound like a ^^^^ or anything. les does it about 12830198490180491894 times better then I could but No one beats JC hongs....
Agreed. Les is a talented MoFo.. but anyone who says Les' Joker paint-up is anywhere near JC. Hongs is just dillusional. Both talented but JC is on a different level.
Well actually I'm wrong.. because I forgot about "personal taste". Obviously that plays a huge factor in what people like. It's like saying "anyone who doesn't think [insert famous girls name] is better looking than [insert famous girls name] is just dillusional" and we all know peoples opinions differ on what's better based on personal taste. So my statement is technically wrong. I should've simply said:
imo both Les and Hong are incredibly talented artists but I prefer JC. Hongs paint work.
I think that's more accurate. My apologies.
is that what I think it is? its either
A) Blue Ray Batman begins (bank heist)
b) The Dark Knight Bootleg.
in the background.. rofl.