Lt. Vulture
Guys, what's the piece that plays when Manhattan is on Mars, it was also in the Comic Con trailer? Love the music but don't know the name.
That's just a cop out, in my opinion. This is the movie. If this isn't what they wanted to make, they would have made something different. It's Synder's job to make the theatrical cut work.
I saw the film again this morning, and it sadly doesn't hold up to repeated viewings for me. Some good moments, and most of it is very pleasant to look at, but it's just all so ... lifeless. And I don't know how you make a Watchmen movie where Dan and Laurie are wanton killers and Adrian doesn't get the same final scene he has in the book.
I thought it DID work. To me, minor stylistic flaws aside, the theatrical cut is about as good as a 2 and a half hour + Watchmen movie can be. There is just way too much stuff in the book, that only a miniseries could be a perfect translation. I thought the theatrical cut was good, but a four-hour extended cut would be even better, IMO.
I thought it DID work. To me, minor stylistic flaws aside, the theatrical cut is about as good as a 2 and a half hour + Watchmen movie can be. There is just way too much stuff in the book, that only a miniseries could be a perfect translation. I thought the theatrical cut was good, but a four-hour extended cut would be even better, IMO.
I missed the fight in the ally the first time because I went to the bathroom. When I saw it this morning I was utterly shocked that a director who pretends to get the book could possibly have thought it would be "cool" to turn Dan and Laurie into brutal killers. This is a movie directed by a very accomplished 14-year-old.
I saw the movie a few hours ago and that's definitely my biggest gripe. Not only is the violence out of character and exaggerated to the extent of looking silly, but it robs the parts that should really be brutal of their impact.
BUT I must say that I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. My overall impression is that an older, more experienced Zack Snyder could have made a better Watchmen but upon first viewing I found a lot to like about the film that actually does exist. I just wish I didn't see the hoofprints of 300 in it.
I'll probably add more but I'm still digesting....
When I saw it this morning I was utterly shocked that a director who pretends to get the book could possibly have thought it would be "cool" to turn Dan and Laurie into brutal killers.
I didn't see it brutal at all. After some of the comments on here I expected to see heads flying off and stuff.
Rorshach...who we see ram a meat clever into a guy's head three times. And who Snyder decides to use as a plot mechanism to saw a guy's arms off on screen, because, you know, that would be cool.
I guess people were expecting X-Men, Spider-Man or Fantastic Four.![]()
That was one of my biggest disappointments. Rorschach kills the dogs similarly yes, and I guess if Snyder was going for the parallel that to Rorschach, people are now of little more worth than dogs... but that's not entirely true. Evil people, yes, but the very fact that Rorschach is out there punishing evil shows that he believes in a deeper good. I'm getting off topic, but what I wanted to say was that in the book, Rorschach could have butchered the man, but he was so enraged and vengeful that he wanted the man to suffer long, and die painfully. The second that cleaver goes into the head, the lights go out... ^^^^, you could make the argument that the kidnapper's mind didn't even have time to register the pain before he died. Now lighting the man on fire... that's going to pretty much satisfy the pain and suffering aspect. The problem with Rorschach standing out in the street, listening to the man die and watching the home smolder? Wasn't bloody... that is the readily apparent reason why Snyder changed it, and that's truly unfortunate because in doing so he changed Rorschach. I was IMMENSELY disappointed with Rorschach's backstory and time with Dr. Long. "The Abyss Gazes Also" was so gripping and overwhelmingly cynical in the book that it was pervasive and insidious. The movie abridged that to such an extent that Rorschach came off as little more than a butcher in that brief bit. Also, by condensing that they removed perhaps some of the most truly powerful textual dialogue. A true shame.
I didn't see it brutal at all. After some of the comments on here I expected to see heads flying off and stuff.![]()