Demi G0D Overseer
Well I would love to stay up and chat but I will have to continue tomorrow. Good night fellow Watchmen lovers. I needs to eat some beans and go to bed. 

Can you explain this, especially re: Dan and Laurie in the alley vis a vis the thematic relevance of Rorshach?
When you elevate the level of violence strictly for the "coolness" factor, you confuse and mute the effect and purpose of real violence.
I found Manhattan's origin story to be brilliantly told.
Can someone also explain that how the COMEDIAN, 6FT 2inches, 225lbs, trained killer, get beaten and thrown out a window and no one can think of a suspect that can do that to him. Clue... SUPERMAN?? IRONMAN?? HULK MAYBE??
The alley sequence never even crossed my mind when watching the movie and thinking of possible flaws to be honest. I just knew that Rorshach was a level far beyone theirs and so did the audience. At least in the theater I was in. They still had a far enough seperation to make it work for me.
Absolutely. And then to make matters worse, Snyder shoots the rape like pornography (just look at Sally after Hooded Justice comes in; or prior to the assault, when the camera virtually leers at her undressing). It's as if Snyder just can't help himself; a woman in underwear is "hot" and that takes precedence to that actual underpinning of the scene. But then that's my chief complaint across the board; he seems to be assembling a Cliff's Notes without any actual comprehension of what these scenes and interactions mean nor why Alan Moore put them there in the first place.
I have to agree. It's easy to talk about the negatives, but I don't think the film "sucked" or anything like that. I'd give it a 6/10 based primarily on its rare moments of real power, like this segment. The strongest part of the film.
I wondered that while reading the book. I didn't like the whole fight sequence. Someone comes in, punches him and out the window he should have gone.
Absolutely. And then to make matters worse, Snyder shoots the rape like pornography (just look at Sally after Hooded Justice comes in; or prior to the assault, when the camera virtually leers at her undressing). It's as if Snyder just can't help himself; a woman in underwear is "hot" and that takes precedence to that actual underpinning of the scene.
Absolutely. And then to make matters worse, Snyder shoots the rape like pornography (just look at Sally after Hooded Justice comes in; or prior to the assault, when the camera virtually leers at her undressing). It's as if Snyder just can't help himself; a woman in underwear is "hot" and that takes precedence to that actual underpinning of the scene. But then that's my chief complaint across the board; he seems to be assembling a Cliff's Notes without any actual comprehension of what these scenes and interactions mean nor why Alan Moore put them there in the first place.
I have to agree. It's easy to talk about the negatives, but I don't think the film "sucked" or anything like that. I'd give it a 6/10 based primarily on its rare moments of real power, like this segment. The strongest part of the film.
But that's going to happen when you cram a dense story into such a truncated form. All the connective tissue was sliced away and the Cliff Notes plot points were all that remained.
The idea is that Ozymandias, as the smartest person in the world, is also its best athlete and most skilled fighter. This is made much more obvious in the book. Maybe the director's cut will restore those explanations. It's a little more problematic in the film, of course, because Snyder apparently decided all the superheroes had super strength. It's less of a problem in the book, because Blake is just a guy. Sometimes even Marines get the jump on them.
The most glaring point in the entire film for me was actually something rather subtle. But it was the perfect summation of how Snyder, for all his visual flair, doesn't actually seem to understand the language of film. It's on Mars, when Dr Manhattan asks Laurie whether the landscape would be greatly improved by an oil pipeline... a medium shot that scarcely shows the surface of Mars. Way to actually think about what's happening in your scene, Zack.
And then to make matters worse, Snyder shoots the rape like pornography (just look at Sally after Hooded Justice comes in; or prior to the assault, when the camera virtually leers at her undressing). It's as if Snyder just can't help himself; a woman in underwear is "hot" and that takes precedence to that actual underpinning of the scene. But then that's my chief complaint across the board; he seems to be assembling a Cliff's Notes without any actual comprehension of what these scenes and interactions mean nor why Alan Moore put them there in the first place.
.....oh how fitting this actually is.....isn't it?
Only one person seems to have done that, actually.![]()
'Watchmen' On Track For $25M Friday; Opens Huge With $4.5M Midnight Shows