Super Freak
?!?!? Was it ever out?
?!?!? Was it ever out?
That's funny...I know a few lads who have had theirs pack in but sony repair it for free...?sony want £145 from me so that they can send me a refurbished model!
That's funny...I know a few lads who have had theirs pack in but sony repair it for free...?
I'm worried that my PS3 just took a turn for the worst. It turns on fine, but won't read any discs. I read some of you had this issue. Any advice on something I should try first before sending it to Sony? I read somewhere to restore the system back to factory settings (which I'm very skeptical about.)
Also, is it true that if you send it back, Sony sends you a refurbished system that is NOT your own???
i think it depends on what model it is and when it was brought!?
they gave a few of my mates free repairs but that was down to the fact that they all had the released 40g's that came out with faults (im sure im right in saying alot of the 40g's from mid 2006 onwards were released with faulty components)
mine was a 3 year old 60g with expired warranty! so thats why they want to charge me i think!
anyway ive found an independant shop a few train stops from me that fixes the 'YLOD' as they put it (yellow light of death) problem while you wait in the shop for about £70 which takes about 40 minutes to fix! so im happy that i dont have to pay £145 for refurb'd PS! i just hope they can do it without erasing all the media i have on the hard drive!
SONY SUX!!!! what a cheek of them to charge people for faulty playstations! i could understand it if it was my fault!
Sounds like you are about to go through what I'm going through. There are many, MANY, defective blu-ray drives in PS3's floating around. So many that a class action lawsuit is being investigated.
You can try a system restore, but make sure your data is backed up first, and also know that it's a long shot that it will work.
And you are correct, Sony will send you a system other than the one you sent them with no data on it in return. I'm *still* waiting for mine.And it will cost you $150.
That's odd. Starkiller hasnt been in here to tell you what you did wrong, Chapter
That's sucks about your PS3, man. But not as much as Sony's CS. That's bull^^^^. If mine should crash, i'll just get a new one.
It really wouldn't be effective, but I did hear of a few success stories when I was searching the internet when I first discovered my problem. Good luck.![]()