Re: Sideshow PF Jack Sparrow In Progress
Can someone post a link to the video, I can't find it.
Can someone post a link to the video, I can't find it.
Can someone post a link to the video, I can't find it.
Oh, I thought it was some Jack specific vid or something, man that's like a .2 second shot, however, going by p!tu's blow up, this could turn out to be the best Jack Sparrow sculpt to date, maybe not necessarily everyone's pick for expression but that one shot really looks like Johnny as Captain Jack.
At least he's pretty far along, looks fully painted and sculpted, I'm wondering if there'll be 2 heads, hatted and unhatted, like Indy, as the shot seems to have 2 portraits side by side. I'm pretty much game for this piece no matter what, but it'll be an ultimate Sparrow piece for me if it has the coat and hat options, that's my vision of Jack, the full garbs.
With there being a Disney preivew this week, I can't help but think it will be Captain Jack!