Super Freak
Well, at least it's a new picture. Too many repetitive words in here.
I get mine the day after 2moro too man, Im so pumped!! I cant wait to inspect that suker.the day after 2morrow my berserker will arriveee, can't wait to hold ithey guys do you think hot toys will remake the classic predator using new body sculpt? (same body sculpt as berserker i mean)
You're right, but let it go bro'. This is a forum about dolls...
Man does anybody have anything nice to say about this figure ?
Man does anybody have anything nice to say about this figure ?
Not dolls man, they are collectable figurines.![]()
lol yep Ive used that $75 dollar trick myself.I just took the plunge with this guy. Ordered from Toys2, first time ordering from them. This will be my first HT Pred. Royce is lonely anyway. The wife did not notice my new T-1000 but man, I really think she's gonna notice this beast! I just hope she'll believe the old "but it was only $75" (which she'll still think is too much anyway). meh.
Man does anybody have anything nice to say about this figure ?
Thats a very funny and strange way of looking at things because hot toys only showed one photo of a larger Berserker and that was actually just of a trial prototype before they altered it in accordance with the height of the Berserker in the movie. You see that it wouldnt have been correct for the to make him as tall as the single initial photo showed but all the rest of the photos actually show him at the height he is now and we all know that the specification tell us all the information we need to know in order to make a decision so there is no mystery there at all. they acted on peoples criticisms and the people involved in the costume and concept designs and did the right thing by us and im glad they did like a lot of people that he doesnt tower over P1 because that would have been plain wrong so you might want to rethink that or dont it up to you. And if your only reason for buying him as silly and stupid as it sounds was because he was so much bigger that P1 then you really should have bought something else that had a design that you really thought was cool and not have worried about buying something that was only cool to you because he was BIG. How crazy is that saying Im only buying is solely on the size of it. It wasnt his design or movie performance or the color mask red dreads metal blades armor paint or anything else that you think was cool so what the hell were you doing buying this thing in the first place. No I actually think that its just an extension of one of the trolls that frequent this thread trying it on and doing the old psycho babble bull____ deal to bring up and carry on a dead argument that was lost almost the second it was started. just a bunch of rumors started by idiots on facebook and around here but they just didnt think it out well enough because time will do nothing but prove them wrong and itll all be lost over time and the facts will be all that remains. that and the soaring price and lack of availability because everyone snapped them up and left the indecisive in the dust. And what a load of ____ I think it is about hot toys deceptive business practices. if you cant read that an item is a prototype and may change as they see fit then you have a lot to learn about this game because they always said that the figure was the height it is in the description so you should really read things before you commit to them or better yet just wait till the final product gets released. So dont go blaming them because you choose to buy something solely based on the height of it because you had plenty of warning and if you had of seen the berserker displayed at any of the conventions and fairs you wouldnt be surprised at all because hes exactly the same as the figure that was release so again there are no surprises there at all. So its most definitely not a case of principals at all and if it was then move on and let someone else get in on the goodness because they dont need the business of the indecisive. Weve already had a couple of crusaders in this thread trying to blacken hot toys name with a bunch of bull____ that just doesnt hold water when all the facts are actually plain to see if you open your eyes and care to examine them but you probably see it differently or something im sure. thats my take so dont get all narky about it.
True......You know, I can't believe that after all of the comments about the head being too small when the figure was announced, Hot Toys actually made the head smaller from the prototype to production. Still a great looking figure, but some very questionable choices on the head and face.
Had you just been reading 40 pages back? I'm sure thats the last time there was any significant complaining about it.
It's too bad there's not a board setting that eliminates posts by the same people saying the same thing over and over again.
Not really, i just see like long paragraph's of argueing lol
You're right, but let it go bro'. This is a forum about dolls...
This forum is flamewar central these days. To hell with the jungles of guatemala or gangland Los Angeles - the predator should come here to hunt......wait I'm not sure how that would work.