Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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I'm not ____ing amused, mine showed up looking like this:






Some bastard, be it a custom official in China or whatever, opened it,(the twistys were gone), and basically wrecked the ____ing box.

Not only that, but one of the open mandibles is missing:

Now, luckily, the figure itself is okay.
I've contacted my seller, sent him these pics and he said I could send it back for refund.

Here's the thing, I don't want to send it all back. Who knows when the hell it'd get there, possibly in worse condition, plus paying the postage is a pain in the ass as well. I just need one, or a set of mandibles,(and I've told him this).

Should I just take this on the chin and chalk it up to bad luck? I can get a spare set on ebay cheap enough, I'm just ____ed off!!

It was NOT the Chinese Customs Official as you put it.

If you are in the USA then it was the US Customs that did that because since the past couple of weeks, there has been a new strategy to inspect almost all packages ENTERING the USA from abroad (because of the toner bomb false flag operation by the CIA).

So you can take your complaint to them and save the Chinese from a Vietnam or Iraq 911 response.

You situation sucks badly and I would send it back. Since it is a parcel exiting the USA it is unlikely that it would suffer the same consequences.

Then you should send a letter to your Obama who will ignore your letter save for your name and address and put you on the red list when the SHTF.

EDIT: Oh, I see you are from the UK, that means it was UK customs that raped your parcel. It's a shame and I think you should still try to put in a claim for damaged goods.
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I swear, if I recieved mine like that I would ____ing kill whoever did it.
Seriously, who the hell thinks they have the right to do that?
Who was the seller?

I also don't live in the Land of The Free, so no, it was the Chinese as far as I'm concerned.

A UK customs official would at least attempt to cover it up,(lmao).

Plus it only arrived in the UK last night, so joining the dots paints a fair enough picture of events.

As one of you guys mentioned the wrist blades, they haven't been touched at all.

Hell, it could even have been a naughty baggage handler, lol
Looks like one of the UK custom guys must of been a HT's Predator collecter and helped himself to a mandible that he was missing on his Berserker...hell i'd do the same if were working their lol....owh and then he decided to dry dump the box....
It was NOT the Chinese Customs Official as you put it.

If you are in the USA then it was the US Customs that did that because since the past couple of weeks, there has been a new strategy to inspect almost all packages ENTERING the USA from abroad (because of the toner bomb false flag operation by the CIA).

So you can take your complaint to them and save the Chinese from a Vietnam or Iraq 911 response.

You situation sucks badly and I would send it back. Since it is a parcel exiting the USA it is unlikely that it would suffer the same consequences.

Then you should send a letter to your Obama who will ignore your letter save for your name and address and put you on the red list when the SHTF.

EDIT: Oh, I see you are from the UK, that means it was UK customs that raped your parcel. It's a shame and I think you should still try to put in a claim for damaged goods.

Talk about utterly needless post... :slap
Total bummer about that whole customs deal. It's getting out of hand though. They need to find a better way to achieve national security without tearing apart $100+ dollar action figures.

I also don't live in the Land of The Free, so no, it was the Chinese as far as I'm concerned.

A UK customs official would at least attempt to cover it up,(lmao).

Plus it only arrived in the UK last night, so joining the dots paints a fair enough picture of events.

As one of you guys mentioned the wrist blades, they haven't been touched at all.

Hell, it could even have been a naughty baggage handler, lol

Well, I'm waiting for a few items from guobei11 too (i'm in the UK as well)!

Should be here any day now so well see how it turns out.

It's a big chap and Berserker (another one).
Great photos, Greygoose! :clap These are my favs:


Damn right it does! Gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing. The paint and finish on this figure is incredible. The way you've posed the dreads makes him look significantly better; so many people just leave them all tucked behind his head, which from the front makes him look bald. Well done!

Amazing pics Greygoose. Love the transition affect, if thats what you call it. I would love to have a poster of one of those pics doing that. What kind of program did you use?

Thanks guys. I love taking photos and this photo is my favourite. The dreds over his shoulders really enhance this figure. I also didn't put the mask on flush to his face. There is a gap which makes the head look slightly bigger, together with the dreds over his shoulders. I'm so happy to have this guy in my possession, he's an incredible figure. I used Picasa to edit my photos. I did the same to my photos of Predator 1, see here:
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No, because what I said is still true about US customs new regulations.

You on the other hand have indeed posted a useless post! LOL:lol:rotfl

You may be right about the usefulness of my post; I'll grant you that (after all, judging from your behaviour on other threads, talking to you seems pretty useless anyway).
However, the comment was more directed to your diatribe against US politics, something that has no place in a toy forum.
Got my big boy today. I actually squeaked like a little girl when I opened the door to the UPS guy (being a 25yr male it was an awkward moment).
Had lost hope on getting him in the next week or so due to bad road conditions. Been waiting since December 1st, was sent next day delivery but the snow made the UK grind to a halt.

Cant see and issues with him yet, cant get battery in to test helmet as I have lost my entire set of small tools.

Now to troll through all the pages in this thread for a good stance for him. :)

I will say it again, I squeaked like a girl. So happy, my first predator.
You may be right about the usefulness of my post; I'll grant you that (after all, judging from your behaviour on other threads, talking to you seems pretty useless anyway).
However, the comment was more directed to your diatribe against US politics, something that has no place in a toy forum.

What are you dumb or something?

It certainly does matter especially when you are importing goods into the USA.

Again, another useless post by yourself and judging by your previous behaviour I'm not surprised.
I also didn't put the mask on flush to his face. There is a gap which makes the head look slightly bigger, together with the dreds over his shoulders.
I read at one point someone saying not pushing the mask on all the way actually makes it look smaller from the front, because the mask doesn't stretch around the face as much resulting in a narrower helmet?