Super Freak
It's still looking incredibly accurate to how he looks in the movie.

It's still looking incredibly accurate to how he looks in the movie.
Just added new production paint app pics to the first post, but here they are again-
i think this would be the best looking 1/6th figure of all time
Whats so funny, let him have his own opinion..
I'm sorry. I don't mean no harm..it's just that it's too early to say that this will be the BEST 1/6th figure of ALL TIME when we're only seeing the pending HS from a new company, don't get me wrong..I already PO'd this baby as I think it will really look great but I'm not hoping that this will be the BEST 1/6 ever..but as you said every one is entitled to own opinion so let's hear from him.
I agree with you, BUT... Since this is a new company they need to deiliver, a company like HT can screw up once in a while (Indiana Jones, etc) but will not lose any sale over it since they have a such big customer base. A company like Blitzway can not screw up because they will not be able to sell any future products. So their final in hand product must be same or surpass their prototype pics.... Thats just my two cents.. I've PO'd too, If in hand pics looks crap i can always cancel.
It's easy to default to the opinion that it will fail, but... can you imagine if they nail it? They'll be the talk of the town and everyone will be starting threads like "Poll: do you wish Blitzway would bring out a (insert obscure or lame or unlikely license) figure?"