Get that ugly Han away from those two works of art.
Get that ugly Han away from those two works of art.
Get that ugly Han away from those two works of art.
Bespin Han is truly one of SS worst SW figures. Always was from the get-go. The 5th SW figure. Had the best EX though: mynock
Hate han, love the mynock, and only paid $20 shipped to get him new![]()
Do you have both on display? I'm someone who doesn't like to have multiple figures of the same actor/character on display ex. Two jokers, two Batmans, etc
I personally just like having one figure to focus on for that actor or character. I know many others would disagree with what I have seen on the forums but that's just me.
So I'll probably sell one of the Lukes. Is there anything that differs between the two versions aside from the battle damage marks on his face and attire?
Shipped out today![]()
I might sell one of the Lukes to balance out the cost so if anyone is interested, please do PM me.
Can't wait for the figure to arrive!
Just bought this guy for $270. Had to start my SW collection somewhere!
Popculture sale? I also grabbed one as well and it is also my first Hot Toys (well technically the Iron Man Mark VII is but since it hasn't been released yet...). It's simply not possible to get it cheaper than that in Australia (brand new). Loved that mine arrived in the Hot Toys/Sideshow brown shipper too.
Hey kind folks.... I need some advice on the gripping hands... my buddy and I went in together for the Luke and split the figures - he got the clean version and I got the BD version. But he also managed to swindle me out of both the gripping hands so all my Luke can do ATM is wave at my Vader
My question is are there any other HT figures that have gripping hands that I can use as a substitute; i.e Thor, or are the set of hands that came with Luke unique to the figure?
Oh yeah, this cathode saber is awesome![]()