Yes the Hot Toys Elder have a few errors, but the neca elder have errors too. Many errors:
-the pistol is not accurate
-the colors are false(skin tone , dreads and armor)
-the second necklace is false, the Elder have a little different than the P1
-the ruff on the neck is false(the Elder have a P2 ruff)
-the nose is a little bit to short
-the netting on the right lower arm armor is missing
-the netting is not accurate
-the Elder have cobra belt buckles
-squills on his chin and the sides of his jaw are missing
-his belly looks to short, to fat
-the loincloath/croath area is false and the belts to his genital protection are missing
-his ankle looks something strange, to long
-his jaw are to big/long compared to the rest of his head
-his mandibles ae to wide open
At the most camera settings the elder have a closed or near closed mouth look. That is characteristic for him.
And its not fair to compare the Hot Toys Elder with this. The bodys at this time are very skinny.
But the facesculpt, paintjob and some details are better at the Neca one. And this is disappointing, than normally Necas Predator sculpts are spot on. Compare the City Hunter or the Jungle Hunter with movie pictures and than compare the Elder with movie pictures. The difference is bigger.

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