I am somewhat interested after the trailer. Michael Keaton's character is to blame for making the suit all black.
Oh so it's Michael Keaton who wanted it black. Thanks a lot Keaton!
Michael Keaton.... what a ********* lol

Looks at least worthy of a rental. Why isn't his face burned though?
yeah, Good question..........At least part of his face should have been burned...
Looks ten times better than what I expected however that suit is a major boner killer. Had they kept the design they're using but gave it the color scheme of the original it would have been amazing.
What's with every suit needing to be completely black and bland?
Heck the first suit he wears is better than the power ranger black one.
yeah I don't know what the F___ these people were thinking. I don't understand why make the same suit that has been made in like 3 movies already. (GI Joe for example)
What was so bad about the silver suit? what was the problem?
Did they do it because they wanted Robocop to be completely different than the original? then why the Hell remake it then?
I guess they probably thought they needed to set this movie apart from the others and the change in color was their way to make this Robocop it's own thing.
but by doing so he looks too generic, Specially now that other movies have done suits like that....