DA, did you resew the pocket(s) on? They look a closer together (and accurate) than others.
Hey is that the Pampered Chef Stone Pizza cooker thingy?
I've got a ton of that stuff!! Man it cooks everything great.
Sorry, back to your regular scheduled program.
I was really pleased with the factory paints, but the eyes on your repaint are fantastic. Another figure ruined for me by Josh.![]()
Nope, but the water treatment really helped them look not so far apart. I think it's all about the clothing drying on the body that helps give it weight that really isn't there normally.
....my Pix Faramir is hours away from completion.
Stunning Josh, simply stunning, I'd love to photograph this one for you some day, there's just so much potential for powerful images with the down and out look of bruising and tattering you've captured there. If I could afford it I'd have like 5 Lukes to catch the various stages from first arriving at Dagobah to "that's not true, that IMPOSSIBLE". Funny, now it's making me think of Liar Liar with Jim Carey, "What the hell are you doing?" "I'm kicking my ass, do you mind!"![]()
Well, I'm already thinking of the figs I want to be sending you here shortly. Just need some great shots for a portfolio if I can actually attend SDCC here next year. Frank, Bond and Bespin Luke are a 100% go though. I know you will make them pop.![]()
Which Bond is that, the bloody one? Clean or bloody works, but again like Luke, beaten and bruised makes things more interesting![]()
Josh...... Words cannot express how awesome those pics are.... My jaw literally dropped... I can only use "..." to express myself....