Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece 1/6 Mandarin Figure

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Awesome pic, I wish HT's put some wires or something down the length of the robe, mines sitting and it keeps riding up and wont stay down... my brother might come and steam it (he has one for some reason). anyone else tried anything similar?

You could try the water trick, and make the robe damp to help it mold to the shape you desire
LOL. One shot has lots of inconsistencies with what has been established in IM3,
but it would still be cool if the real mandarin looks exactly like Trevor. :lol
That was great! Loved the tag at the end. I wonder if they'll really ever explore this, or it's just a fun nod to fans to continue the story from here.
Is the "right side" of it missing for anyone else? When the Marvel logo showed up, I could only see the MARV. I'll wait for a better release if this is the case, but I'm excited! I did hear a little something about a Justin Hammer....
I know some people want a "real" Mandarin, but if the supposed idea that there's gonna be an actual Mandarin in the future is gonna be true, it smells of nothing but damage control at this point. So what, we get three versions of the Mandarin now? Trevor (classic version), Killian (modern version) and now what? Are we getting a Trevor look-alike or another modern take similar to how Killian was based on modern versions of the Mandarin (only he's actually Asian now)? So basically the point about how "xenophobic stuff like the Mandarin terrorist isn't real, because the "real" Mandarins are the people (like Killian) hiding in the shadows and a lot closer to you than you think" is pretty much down the drain right? It makes me wonder at this point because it just renders the point of the Mandarin in IM3 moot if they're just gonna do a double twist. With this they're essentially just going back on that and saying "oh woops, nevermind here's the REAL Mandarin, hah clever huh? Because you got a twist before, but now you're getting an UN-TWIST! See, gotcha again!"

I wouldn't have minded it if it weren't such a key part in IM3 and how IM3 was pretty much brandished around as the seeming finale for the IM franchise (barring Avengers and all), but to leave such a gaping trail that hints at a potential "real" Mandarin just feels half-baked at this point where it sounds more like a potential cash-in for a sequel. Even worse if you try to imagine how that could pan out "Surprise Tony Stark! I'm the real Mandarin! Now let me do some really bad stuff, except now that I'm actually a "real" terrorist, it makes me that much more threatening amirite?"
I know some people want a "real" Mandarin, but if the supposed idea that there's gonna be an actual Mandarin in the future is gonna be true, it smells of nothing but damage control at this point.
The fact that the "10 Rings" organization existed in Iron Man 1, and was fundamentally different from what was going on in Iron Man 3 makes me think this may actually have been the plan all along.
The fact that the "10 Rings" organization existed in Iron Man 1, and was fundamentally different from what was going on in Iron Man 3 makes me think this may actually have been the plan all along.

The thing is, that was already a stated fact ever since the film came out (that the 10 Rings is a completely independent group from what we saw in IM3 and that Killian just framed them for his actions) while the whole notion that a "real" Mandarin is out there as a terrorist, was not. Factor in how the Mandarin was originally planned to be a young businessman that had business dealings with Stark (sound familiar to anyone?) in the original IM1 script until he was very quickly cut out to make Stane seem more threatening (since he was originally just the Mandarin's spy), it makes this revelation seem that much more of an unplanned maneuver that smells of damage control (especially with Shane Black blatantly saying how Killian is the MCU's Mandarin and how that's that). It should be noted that this One-Shot is written by Drew Pearce and Pearce alone, so obviously Black and Pearce didn't have the same idea about the Mandarin when they were writing him for IM3.
Well whether or not it was intentional, if it makes sense for the story, then great. Ret-conning is a great, time honored tradition in comic books. Only appropriate some version of that should be employed with the movies.
Well whether or not it was intentional, if it makes sense for the story, then great.

There's a difference between the notion that it makes sense in terms of story cohesion and the idea of whether it's good or bad writing, and as such, both aren't mutually exclusive. In this case, as someone who abhors the amount of times that ret-cons have ruined many a great comic book stories, I believe we'll just have to agree to disagree.
well its nice to see the new Marvel oneshot rectify the Mandarin issue... there is still hope for Iron Man after all

it was a totally bow down to our fanboy outrage but at least they listened...

edit: as above, it wasn't planned all along, Kinsley stated he was called back to shoot it long after IM3 was done and possibly even out on blu ray, plus shane black on the commentary goes on for a while about how they were taking mandarin in a different direction and how they fleshed him out blah blah blah, total BS
Got mine today. God, I love this figure! He is probably one of the finest HT has produced, from the head sculpt to the paint, outfit, accessory....

I just love him to death. So happy to add him to my collection. I'd like to display him sitting down. Anyone know if there's any concerns about the robe from him sitting down in a display? Like creases or something? Anything I can do to protect from this? Or would they come right out if I want him standing? Might be a stupid question, but all my other figures are standing. LOL.

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